Chapter 55 - AMA's

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Aria's POV

"Mommy! Mommy, look what I can do!"  I hear a little voice say. I walk outside the backdoor finding a little girl standing at the edge of the swimming pool.

"What, baby?" I ask with a smile on my face.

She turns around to face the pool again. "Catch me, daddy!" She screams then jumps into the pool.

Laughter. That noise. Mixed with the little girls' laughter is the one that I learned to love. The one noise I thought I could never live without. Harry.

I see Harry in the pool, his arms wrapped around the little girls' waist with a big smile on his face. I haven't seen that big smile since the day I told him I loved him the first time. Gosh, that seems ages ago.

"I love you, daddy." I hear the little girl say before giving Harry a kiss on his cheek.

"Aww baby girl. Daddy loves you." Then Harry lifts the little girl in the air making her squeal with laughter.

I took my phone out to picture this perfect moment in front of me. When the camera went off, Harry turned around to look at me with the same big smile he had for the little girl.

"Daddy's going to go say hi to mommy. No swimming in the deep end." He says with a stern voice before kissing the little girl on her head and climbing out of the pool with that yellow trunks he wore for our date when we started dating.

"Hi baby." Harry says walking up to me giving me a kiss on the lips.

"Hi." I say in a whisper looking up into his emerald green eyes that is filled with love. He leans down to kiss me again. I feel his tongue pressing into my mouth.

"Ewww! Mommy! Daddy!" I hear the little girl again in the distance. Harry pulls away with a chuckle looking at the little girl in the swimming pool that is covering her eyes.

"Baby! Open your eyes or you'll drown." Harry says playfully with a smile on his face looking with love and absolute adoration in his eyes. Immediately she took her hands from her eyes with a horrified expression on her face that makes Harry and myself laugh at her.

The little girl looks a lot like Harry. She has his curly brown hair and green eyes. She has my nose and smile but Harry's dimples. She is a perfect cut out of Harry.

"I love you." Harry says turning back at me.

"I love you." I say back giving him a smile. I feel his hands move from my back to the edges of my stomach.

"And I love that little girl in the swimming pool as well as this little one on the way." Harry says with a smile looking down between us. I follow his eyes resting on my swollen stomach.

"And I love this beautiful lady that I'm proud to call my wife." Harry says giving me another kiss while I hear the laughter of our little girl in the background and the baby kicking in my stomach.

I open my eyes with a slight smile on my face. I look to my right, expecting Harry to be there but his not. With a frown I look down at my stomach but it's not as swollen up as before.

Then it hit me. It was all a dream. The little girl that looks so much like Harry, Harry being my husband and a new baby on the way. All just a dream.

Unwanted tears immediately start to fall from my eyes. Everything I ever wanted all just a dream. Harry isn't coming back. I'm going to raise a child alone. Harry will never know he's a father and would never look at our baby with that love and adoration like he did in my dream. We'll never be married and we will never have a second baby on the way.

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