Chapter 25: I Do

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"Beautiful Katniss! Simply gorgeous," Effie coos with tears in her eyes as she admires me in the mirror.

"Thank you," I fluff the ends of my dress as I look at myself through the mirror.

I'm wearing the same wedding dress that I wore that night on the intervriew when I spun and turned into the mockingjay. It was the dress that I thought had costed Cinna his life.

Haymitch laughs, "I would be surprised if Peeta doesn't faint when he sees a prettier version of Katniss."

It's not usual for Haymitch to comment on my appearance, "He didn't drop dead during the night of the interview," I state calmly.

"It's very different. You're getting married now. Back then, it was the night before you guys went into the arena. All Peeta probably could think of was keeping you alive," Cinna puts on a long transluscent veil on my head that is covered in tiny flowers, "I'm done."

My makeup was pratically nothing. All Cinna did was clean my face and rub some cream-like thing onto it, which made it soft and clear.

Cinna, Effie, and Haymitch all examine me. Their eyes fly everywhere. From my braided hair, to my manicured and painted fingernails. The way they looked at me was uncomfortable, but that didn't stop them and I didn't try to stop them either. I know that my wedding needs to be perfect.

I know that the wedding will not be a small one. Haymitch made sure that there'd be no cameras, but he couldn't control the number of guests that would be arriving. I only invited about fifteen people, but Haymitch estimates about a hundred. I hear that President Paylor and Plutarch will be making an appearance.

"Time to go, Ms. Everdeen," I soldier pops his head into the room.

Effie squeals, "Oh my! Oh my! Oh my! I cannot believe my Katniss is getting married! I am so proud!" She runs over and hugs me.

Effie is wearing a red strapless dress that clinches at her waist just like all the other bridesmaids are. I'm pretty sure the bride is supposed to pick what the bridesmaids wear, but I couldn't trust myself with that simple task. Cinna picked out everyone's attire because if I did it, people would be horrified. I think Cinna made the bridesmaids wear red as a symbol of 'The Girl On Fire', but I'm not exactly sure.

Once Effie lets go, Haymitch takes one of my gloved hands and Cinna takes the other. They both inhale and look at me.

"Are you ready, sweetheart?" Haymitch asks.

"It's almost time," Cinna smiles, "The bridesmaids are walking down the aisle right at this moment."

I picture in my head, Johanna, Annie, and Effie walking down the aisle. Johanna would be moping and groaning because of how much she still hates me for screwing things up for her and Gale. Annie would be truly happy for me. Effie would, without doubt, be enjoying all the attention.

Serena walks to her spot in front me as a flower girl. She is wearing a light pink dress and she is carrying a basket of primrose petals, requested by me.

"Hi Serena," I smile softly. This is the first time we've talked face to face since she got amnesia.

"Hello Girl On Fire," she smiles back reluctantly.

There is a small boy at about the age of six who walks beside Serena with a small pillow. On the pillow are two gorgeous rings.

Before I can gather up my thoughts, the door opens and Serena begins to throw petals out and begins to start walking slowly to the front of the room, where I can now see Peeta. The boy beside her follows and soon enough, it's my turn.

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