Chapter 12: Katniss

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Clarissa's POV

When i get my hands on that girl, I will rip her head off and then use it as a ball.

How dare Katniss kill my grandfather?

I don't remember him that much, but i'm sure he was a wonderful man. Maybe he played with me when i was young. Or sang me wonderful songs. Or maybe he even took me out on weekends.

I know he was the president of Panem, which I'm guessing is the country i live in right now.

I have a slight memory of my name being pulled out from a large glass bowl by Katniss. She must have done it on purpose just so i can get killed. Evil. She probably wanted to make sure all the Snows were dead, so she doesn't have to worry about us killing her.

Well, I'm not going into the arena unless i see Katniss dead. Plus, she hasen't killed all the Snows. Nobody really knows this, but i have a little sister named Patrisha. She was so sweet and kind. I saw her right before my name got pulled.

Hey, atleast i'm gaining some memory.

The room I'm in is really small. For the worst, I'm a bit claustrophobic. The room walls seem to be very slowly closing on me. I have to breath in and out. It's not closing on to me, its just my imagination.

I hear a small creaking sound.

The door is opening.

In steps the same cute blonde haired boy i saw with Katniss yesterday.

He smiled sweetly,"Hello, Clarissa. I'm here to jog your memory."

"I don't need any help," i say bitterly. Why would i need help?

"Clarissa, you have amnesia. You need help remembering," the boy says calmly.

"Thank you for pointing out the obvious," I glare.

He shakes his head,"You probably don't remember me, so my name is Peeta Mellark."

As his name is said, I start remembering.

Peeta was interviewed by a weird guy with purple hair a few years ago. A man with a white beard announcing Peeta's name. Peeta kissing Katniss...

My mind is really turning now.

For no reason at all I say,"Katniss..." I seem to be not able to control myself.

Followed by,"Katniss?"

Then one last desperate,"Katniss!" before everything goes black.


Katniss' POV

Stupid Hunger Games.

Today is the second day of training. I think that they are almost finished, so i wait by the training center door.

I hope Peeta is having luck helping Serena remember.

Why would she think i just killed her grandfather for absolutely no reason? I don't just go around killing random people... atleast i think i don't.

Suddenly Peeta bursts out of the elevator, gasping for breath.

"Katniss," he says trying to calm himself down,"Clarissa is in the hospital again, she fainted."

"Okay, why do i need to know about that?" i say crossly.

"Katniss, honey, i know that you're mad at Clarissa, but you made a commitment to mentor these tributes. Clarissa needs you, Katniss. You," he says in a soothing voice as he caresses my hair.

I look at him blankly,"What do you mean needs me? What about you?"

"I probably didn't help Clarissa at all today. She wouldn't pay any attention and insisted that she didn't need my help," he said looking out the window.

I gestured for him to go on.

His head slowly moves so his eyes are looking directly in mines,"Before Clarissa passed out she was saying your name. And not in a vicious killing way, but as if she was crying for help."

The worst part is, Peeta would never lie to me. What he is saying is true.

"Why would she need me and not you?" i ask after a moment of silence.

"Sometimes it takes fear to bring back truth, Katniss," he says looking elsewhere.

I am confused,"You think Clarissa is scared of me?"

He nods,"I bet you can help her like nobody else can."

I think for a moment,"Okay, but I'll need bodyguards. Just in case Clarissa tries to kill me. You never know."

Peeta smiles,"You're wish is my command!"

I smile back.


Okay, so I just got 100 reads yesterday, so I decided to give you guys the new chapter! And it has Clarissa's POV!!!

Thanks to IvexHadxEnoughx for awesome co-writing.

Thanks to all of you guys for reading!


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