Chapter 2:My Dear Tributes

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I go into the train cart with the sign saying,"Mentors Peeta and Katniss." I find my room and wander around it looking at everything it had to offer.

Soon the train started towards District 1. There would be 12 games and ONLY twelve games. One for each district besides thirteen because they did not originally participate in the games, so they do not need to be represented. After 12 games everything would be what a normal society should be like.

I wander out to the dining room. I see Clarissa, Ryder and Sandy. They are eating a snack. I then notice Peeta is right behind me.

"Hello. How are you guys feeling?" asks Peeta putting his arm around me. "Horrible!" Sandy sobs,"I am going to die! I'm only 15, you know!" Clarissa looks appalled,"Excuse me, but I'm only 13! And your the one complaining. Obviously I am not going to make it. Please don't comment, girl on fire."

"I have a name you know!" I say to Clarissa. "Yeah... we know your name. It's Katniss Everdeen. I can't believe you survived this long," says Ryder. I make a face at him.

Peeta sighs,"Calm Katniss. Now hello, tributes. We will be your mentors. Can we know a little about your fighting techniques or would you prefer if we coached you separately?" Clarissa snorts,"I don't trust Ryder, Ms. Cries-a-lot here can be coached with me." Peeta looks at Sandy,"Is that okay with you?" Sandy nods. "That settles it. Katniss, you coach the girls. I'll coach Ryder,'' Peeta says.

I mouth,"No" but Peeta and Ryder have already left the room.

I look down at the girls. "Okay! Who wants to start?" I ask. Sandy quietly says,"I can draw really well. My parents are artists." Clarissa looks disgusted,"How's drawing supposed to help you win?" "Any type of talent can help, Clarissa," I say calmly. She makes a face," Don't call me Clarissa. I hate that name. It's so girly. Call me Serena. Everyone does."

Serena? I wonder where that came from. We talk about techniques and I give them a whole bunch of tips. Sandy is following along really well, but "Serena" is acting all bored.

When Ryder and Peeta come back we eat dinner, Capitol style. Then the tributes go to there room to,"Reflect."

Me and Peeta go to Annie Cresta's train car, which is right next to ours. Her stomach is getting big from the baby... I really miss Finnick. Finnick Odair. He died fighting for me. I can't wait for their son to be born. I am hoping he has Finnick's eyes; they are like the sea.

"Hi Katniss, Peeta," says Annie. Annie looks sad, I'm sure it's about Finnick. "Are you alright? Annie?" asks Peeta. "No, I'm worrying about Finnick again. I have to stop and focus on my tributes. I have to help them get home," Annie looks at the floor. I pat her on the back,"It's okay. Finnick is fine. Who are your tributes?"

Annie looks at me,"They are both eighteen. Their names are Leonardia and Garsacious." It's the weird Capitol name thing again. "Hey! They're 18! they have a better chance of winning!" I say as Peeta nods. Annie smiles, "Thank you."

We talk about what we think the arena may be and soon we have to go back.

I check on Serena and Sandy. I go to Serena's room first. She's watching the reaping in her bed. A tear rolls down her cheek. I go sit on her bed. She glares at me through her tears,"What do you want, girl on fire?"

I sigh,"Are you alright? Maybe the reaping isn't the best thing to watch..." Serena starts sobbing, "I don't know what's happening! I can't stand this." I gulp, "Is the about your grand-father?" Serena looks puzzled,"No. I'm glad he's dead. He was no use to me alive anyways. It's the games. I never thought I'd be put up to this because of Snow. I am nothing like him. And, girl on fire, don't say that it's a coincidence, because I'm not stupid."

She's right. We can't punish her for something her grand-father did. "Sorry, sweetie... I can't do anything about it. Sorry," i say quietly. "Remember, girl on fire, you have NOTHING to be sorry about," she says as she shoos me out of her room.

That's what she told me today at the reaping: You have nothing to be sorry about. But... I do. I have so much to be sorry about. What could she have meant by that?

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