Chapter 9: Tears

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Peeta and Effie stood inside the nursing room in which Serena was in

I paced back and forth in the hallway. I didn't know what was happening. Did someone poison her food? Is it allergies? I was freaking out. Really freaking out.

"Katniss" Peeta said. I looked at him, he was peeking his head out of the room

"It was just a allergic reaction, nothing to worry about. Serena is in a coma. Go escort Ryder and Sandy to training. Effie will be down once Serena awakens." I nod. I turn and walk off to get to Ryder and Sandy

"Hello Katniss!" Ryder greets me as i walk in

"Ryder, Sandy" I greet

"Since Effie is with Serena, I'll be escorting you to training. Come along now," I say and turn around and we go to Training.

As soon as we get there, Sandy and Ryder go and start. We're late.

Wow. Just wow. The training room looks exactly like the one that I had. This is unbelievable. Is this even possible?

"Pretty impressive, huh?" a voice behind me said.


"Oh, hello Plutarch, how have you been?" I ask.

"I've had my ups and downs. I hear you and Peeta are engaged," he says happily.

I'm wondering if he's thinking of filming our wedding. No way.

I feel myself blush.

"Yeah. Are you the head gamemaker?" I ask changing the subject.

"The one and only. Hey, aren't you supposed to have 3 kids with you?" he asks with a confused expression.

"Snow's granddaughter fainted because of allergies," I say looking down.

"What's the brat's name? Larissa? Or is it Clara?" he asks.

"It's Clarissa and she is not a brat!" I say angrily.

Serena was way sweeter then her grandfather had been. I hate her glares though.

"Oh, now, don't get defensive. I'm sure Claire is nicer then I intended," he smiles.

I groan. I don't correct him. I simply walk away.

As I walk past the area with the knives, a kid looks at me.

About 14, black hair and a what seems like permanent smirk on his face.

"Hey, you think you're so royal, huh?" he says.

"I never said that," I say defensively.

He laughs. His laugh is just like Gale's. A tear rolls down my cheek.

"God, stop crying," he throws his knife at the dummy. It hits it right in the heart.

That's not good. He's a career. Or what's left of one anyways.

I scurry away.

I pass Sandy who is trying to lift weights, but not succeeding as other tributes laugh and call her rude names.

Is this part of her plan? Probably. Smart.

One of the gamemakers come down from their chairs and walk over to me.

"Katniss, we would appreciate it if you left. You are distracting the tributes," she says sheepishly.

"But..." I trail off realizing I had nothing to say.

She nods respectfully.

I trudge out of the training room.

I go to the nursing area.

Peeta is there.

"Anything on Serena?" I ask.

He shakes his head,"Nope, they said that they would come out with some information as soon as they could."

I nod and Peeta puts his arm around me.

"No worries. Remember? It's just allergies? How was training?" he asked.

I couldn't hold it in anymore. I burst into tears which I was holding back ever since the black haired boy laughed.

Peeta's face turns pale,"Did I say something wrong?"

"No, the training room reminded me so much of our own training room. And all the lost tributes," I say between sobs.

Peeta nods.

"Peeta, I don't want 12 more games. I really don't! I realized that revenge is not the answer. I realized that we're killing innocent children," I say calming down.

Peeta's face showed an unreadable expression,"There is nothing we can do at this point. Everything is already prepared for the next twelve years."

Then, a nurse with the same pale expression Peeta wore came at us.

I looked at her and jumped to conclusions,"Did she die?"

I'm on the verge of crying again.

"No," the nurse said quietly.

Me and Peeta both let out a sigh of relief.

I doctor walked to us too.

"Clarissa..." he trails.

"How is she doing?" I ask rapidly.

The doctor gulps,"Because of the fall she took when she passed out..."

"Yes..." Peeta asks worriedly.

"Clarissa has..." he trails off again.

I get impatient,"Just tell us already!"

He looks scared,"Amnesia. Clarissa has amnesia."


Amnesia: When you don't remember anything.

You probably knew that but, whatever.

The first little part is written by IvexHadxEnoughx, but I edited it.

Catching Fire came out today! I'm going to see it tomorrow and I am so excited! Is it good?


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