Chapter 19: Love is Hard to Find

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I wake up to the sound of Johanna's voice, "Katniss! You've been asleep for too long!"

"What?" I exclaim checking my clock, "Johanna! It's one full hour before the time I usually wake up! Why did  you wake me so early?"

 "I'm not sure," she shrugs.

"Where's Peeta?" I yawn.

"He's dead," Johanna says.

I bolt up from the bed and stare at Johanna, "What?"

Did she just say that Peeta is dead? Peeta can't be dead!

She laughs, "I'm just kidding! I did it so you would get out of bed."

"If I had a bow and arrow, you would've been dead," I hiss at her.

"Maybe you should hold one while you sleep. Like, Haymitch does with his handy-dandy knife," Johanna walks over to my closet and throws me a pair of jogging pants and a silky purple shirt.

"Where's Peeta?" I ignore her comment as I examine the clothes she gave me.

"He and Cinna are eating breakfast together," Johanna says simply as she gives me a happy look. No surprise there, Peeta and Cinna have hit it off after his surprise arrival about a week ago. They share the talent of details. Peeta loves art, which requires a lot of detail and Cinna designs, which also requires every single detail to be noticed.

I roll my eyes, "I guess you're off for the rest of the Games." Johanna's tributes both died. An interesting thing is that they died fighting with each other.

Sandy is doing quite well, with a few bruises and cuts from her victims, who tried to fight back. The other tributes still think that she's a weakling and don't really bother with her, but the tributes whom are dead because of her know too well how vicious she can be.

After we sent the burn medicine to Loelle, she got much better. She is currently hiding out in a big bush, as we agreed on before. I'm not sure exactly how the morphlings from pastt games have gotten away with just hiding and how the gamemakers didn't really bother them, but I guess it means good for Loelle. She is very sneaky, which reminds me of Foxface. Honestly, her appearance reminds me of Foxface too. Anyways, Loelle has been taking the food of other tributes... just like Foxface. She and Foxface share a lot in common.

"Thankfully," she pretends to wipe a drop of sweat from her forehead.

"I don't believe that you aren't sure why you woke me up so early," I say with my eyes piercing into hers.

"President Paylor wants you in the president's mansion," she says as she examines her fingernails.

"Why?" I question.

Johanna puts her hand down and rolls her eyes, "Because she wants you to have your wedding there."

I gape, "No."

"Tell her that, not me," with that she leaves my bedroom.

Why would Paylor want me to have my wedding where President Snow once thrived? I was think district 12, but clearly under the power of Paylor, it's not going to happen.

She knows that I hate Snow. She knows that I'll never say yes. Why would she even bother?


"You do understand that I'm never going to have my wedding here, right?" I ask President paylor as we walk through the narrow hallways of what is lef of Snow.

The place still smells like roses with a hint of blood. 

Paylor sighs, "Katniss, please! Isn't it perfect?"

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