Chapter 16: The Cheeky Red-Head

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I breath in and out. The bomb was massive. It could have easily killed a little girl like her.

The cameras seemed to be focusing at the fire the bomb had created. Since the trees weren't the same as ones in the forest, the jungle trees did catch in fire, but very slowly. Suspense was catching.

1 minute... 2 minutes... 3 minutes... 4 minutes... 5 minutes

No canon. No canon.

I sigh in relief, maybe Loelle hasn't died. I glance at Peeta whose eyes are glued to the screen.

My dad is a runner, so i can naturally run pretty fast.

Loelle told me that... I hope she wasn't lying.

As my heart pumped, the games broadcaster says,"Well, looky there! The cheeky girl is still alive, but if I know Plutarch well enough, she won't be for long."

The screen switches to Loelle who is lying on the ground, her forehead and arms burnt. She's still alive.

The camera still focused on her face, she moans in pain and breaths heavily.

After a few minutes of Loelle's long, miserable stares and the painful silence of the Mentors' Room, Loelle does something so unexpected, that the mentors around me jump in surprise.

She smiles.

Not a "I survived the bomb" smirk, but a genuine, cute, little smile.

I can tell the broadcaster is taken aback by this when he says,"Well! I stand by what i said, a cheeky, bright girl."

"She's a keeper," Enobaria whispers to me as she stands beside me. She is the only one whose eyes weren't focused on the grinning red-head, instead they looked at me trying to read my thoughts.

I glare as i peel my eyes away from the screen,"It's none of your business."

She gives an arrogant smirk,"Then, i'll make it my business."

"Stop-" i get interrupted by Soldier Hilt who marches into the room suddenly,

All the mentors' heads turn towards him, still wearing their awed expressions.

"Clarissa has a message for you," he growls unhappily.

"Don't you mean, for Katniss and Peeta? They are her mentors," Johanna points out the obvious.

"Silence!" Soldier Hilt orders as he gives Johanna a death stare. Johanna lifts her hands up in surrender.

"Anyways," he says giving Johanna one last look, "Since Clarissa is still not safe enough to get out of her room, she had somebody else come deliver the message for her."

"You?" Johanna asks in boredom as she glances at the screen where they have stopped showing Loelle's face and is instead showing a boy tribute chasing after a girl tribute. The girl was small and skimpy... she's going to get killed for sure. Plus, the girl looked as if she were in a limp.

"What did i say?" he walks over to Johanna threatingly.

"You said that Clarissa wants to send a message that another person would deliver," she repeated his words.

"Before that," Soldier Hilt looks at Johanna impatiently.

"You said," she gives a smirk,"Silence!" she mimicked his tone.

The rest of us snickered.

Soldier Hilt looked as if he was about to expload, "Exactly," he hisses surprisingly calmly.

"Clarissa's younger sister Patrisha recently visited her and helped her regain a bit of memory," Soldier hilt looks at us expecting interesting reactions.

"She has a sister?" I blurt out.

"Yes. Almost no one knows about Patrisha Ruby Snow," he exclaims in an annoyed voice,"She'll be delivering the message."

Low whispers go from mentor to mentor.

"Another brat?"

"Clarissa got lucky this time, but I highly doubt that she'll survive the next games."

"Patrisha Ruby? Where did they get that?"

I sit quietly with my lips pursed.

A sister? They better bit tell anyone else because otherwise, Paylor will definitely get her reaped in the next eleven years.

Soldier Hilt sighs and goes to the door leading to the hall.

He says,"Patrisha! You can come in."

After a few seconds, which I'm guessing was used up by the girl hesitating, a short blond haired girl with bubbly blue eyes popped into the room. Her eyes darted around examining everything. She was short and around the age of 7 or 8. Her features looked nothing like Clarissa's except for her pointed nose and same tiny figure, but with a slight attitude to it.

Peeta suddenly reaches over and grips my elbow.

I look at him my eyes asking,"What's wrong?"

He looks at me directly in the eyes. His blue eyes show recognition and panic.

"Trissy?" Peeta questioned the girl whose eyes set on Peeta, then she mirrored Peeta's look.

"Peeta?" Patrisha spoke her high pitched voice.


Yeah, so let's welcome Trissy back into the story!

Just invade you don't get how Patrisha transfers in to Trissy: PaTRISha. Tris- Trissy

Sorry if you were expecting a longer chapter:( Ill try to make the next one longer

Happy Holidays,

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