Chapter 7: Katniss And Shimmer

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Narrator's POV

"S-Shimmer. What are you doing?" Katniss choked out. She was becoming scared of Shimmer. Its exactly like Glimmer coming to haunt her!

"Im sorry Katniss. But the odds cant always be in our favor.." Shimmer whispered, very... creepily

"No. Shimmer. Don't" Katniss wailed

"Oh, but Katniss. You don't understand hurt, do you?" she hissed

Shimmer went in to stab katniss when A arrow, out of no where, shot Shimmer in the side. She fell to the ground clutching her now bleeding side

"Katniss... " She whispered

"Shimmer.." Katniss said. She looked around to see who shot it, and there stood Gale.

"If i survive.. " She started and coughed,"I'll make sure i win. For Glimmer.. and so i can finish you, once and for all." Then, Shimmers eyes fell and her mentors came to her side and carried Shimmer to the Hospital

"I'm sorry i had to do that, Katniss.. "Gale said. Looking into Gales eyes, Katniss sighed

"I don't want to have anything to do with you... If she dies i'm blaming it all on you, Gale! So watch your back!" Katniss hissed. She grabs Peeta's arm and they walked down to their tributes. Its going to be a Long few weeks. Once they step into the Arena, only one could win

"Is everything alright, Katniss?" Peeta asked

She sighed "I just Hope Shimmer doesn't win. I am starting to get scared of her..."

Peeta laughed "Shimmer isn't going to win and kill you, Well, not on my watch she isn't"

"Thank you, Peeta" Katniss said and gave Peeta a peck on the cheek

"I better go to my Tributes, see how they're doing" Katniss said and turned to walk off to her Tributes

"Hello Clarissa. Hello Sandy" Katniss greeted

Clarissa cleared her throat "Serena" She hissed

"Sorry... I forgot" Katniss said and rolled her eyes. Not very nice way to treat your Mentor now, is it?

"No buts, ifs, sorrys, or Anything" Serena hissed

"Excuse me, Katniss, we may have a problem" a voice said from behind. She turned. Haymitch

"Oh. Hello, Haymitch" Katniss greeted

"We need to talk, Now. Its about Gale" Haymitch whispered. Katniss stared at him before he pulled her away from the Tributes

"You saw him shoot, Right? Right at that tribute, Glimmer?"

"Shimmer. And yes" Katniss nodded and sighed

"He cant. If he does again we will be forced to kill him. Katniss, Do you know how bad it is to Kill a Tribute before the games?" Haymitch whispered

"N-No" She looked down. Gale dead? Yes, she didn't want anything to do with him but still, Kill Gale? Not happening.

"Murder Katniss, Murder. The Capitols guards will search for them, bring them to the middle of the Capitol for a Announcement, Then kill him, Right in front of all the Capitols Eyes. Do you know how much trouble we go through here? Its different now, Katniss. Very different" Haymitch explains

Katniss shook her head, turned, and walked back to her dear Tributes

"Tomorrow you will be With the other Tributes. I trust that you dont hurt them, Yet" Katniss said and they nodded

"Whatever Girl on fire" Serena hissed

"Yes Katniss.. " Sandy said quietly

This will be a LONG few weeks. Believe it. Once they hit the arena... All hell will break loose and you'll just have to hope for the best; Shimmer better not Win

***A/N. I bet this is very bad. Isnt it? Ugh. I suck at writing, dont i? Admit it. Well comment, vote, fan, do whatever. Well uhm. Bye

-IvexHadxEnoughx ***

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