Chapter 14: The New Ceasar

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Katniss' POV

A bunch of random people are doing my makeup.

Blush. Mascara. Foundation. So much more! Somebody is even dying a couple strands of my hair pink.

I, of course, had to do this.

The interviews would be in 3 hours.

Loelle and I practiced her cute act. Since she hadn't been there to impress the judges, it would be harder to get sponsors.

Sandy and I decided on "harmless" as her act since, she was going to win "Johanna Mason" style.

President Paylor walks in looking cheery,"Hello! Hello! Interviews are almost here! Let's go, go!"

They put me into a surprisingly comfortable dress which also looks extremely pretty.

~Three hours later~

I'm sitting in front of a huge crowd of people of district 1.

The lights go on and people gasp when they see who has replaced Caesar.

I stand up and give my best Caesar smile,"Hello people of district 1," I look to the closest camera,"And hello to all of Panem! My name is Katniss Everdeen and I will be interviewing our dear tributes tonight, which is their last night before the arena. Let me remind all of you that each interview is 3 minutes long and audience comments are not suggested. Let the interviews begin!" This Caesar enthusiasm is truly endless.

I call the first female tribute, which is one of Enobaria's. Her pink hair is curled perfectly at the ends and the huge smile plastered on her face makes her look stunning. She doesn't look to strong, but not too weak either. The dress she has on is golden and silky. It flows about 3 meters behind her.

When she sits down, I ask her name. I should already know this, but I had no time to review, since studying to be exactly like Caesar took longer than it should have.

"Analisia Lormet," she replies simply, her smile not leaving her face.

"That's very pretty, so can you tell us a bit about yourself? What do you enjoy the most? The least?" I ask subtly.

She nods,"I love to play with my dog and cat. I also love dying my hair pink," she picks up a strand of her bright pink hair,"I don't like being in the Hunger Games," she states bitterly.

"The Capitol Games, you mean?" I ask.

She groans,"If that's what you guys call it."

What kind if angle is this girl doing?

"Do you mind?" I growl at her,"This interview is supposed to be enjoyable. You have absolutely no manners!"

Analisia's face goes red,"I wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for you, Katniss!"

"Well, if your dear President Snow had treated us with some respect, none of us would be in this situation, would we now?" I hiss.

I tilt my head and see President Paylor looking displeased. A tear rolls down my cheek without me even knowing.

Suddenly, I'm sobbing uncontrollably.

Peeta and President Paylor come rushing to my side. President Paylor rubs my back as Peeta tries to calm me down.

"It's okay, Katniss. She was just a mad little girl from the Capitol," Peeta takes my hand and rubs it against his cheek. Somehow this makes my hiccups go away, but not my sobbing.

"But she made a good point! It's all my fault!" my sobbing worsens.

Peeta lifts my head and kisses me on the lips in front of the crowd of district 1.

I'm not sure if this moment was awkward for anyone else, but President Paylor stopped rubbing my back and looked in another direction the moment she saw my lips and Peeta's lips connected.

As Peeta's tongue entered my mouth, the chatter of the crowd became unbearable.

Peeta must of heard all of the talking because he soon pulled away and just smiled and looked in my eyes.

"I love you Katniss, do never think otherwise," he said softly to me.

I wrapped my arms around Peeta's neck and pulled him into a tight embrace,"I love you too, Peeta."

"Now, I believe you can do it," Peeta stood up and he and the president left.

The rest of the interviews went smoothly.

The tributes were all very nice and sweet to me. I think the main reason was because I was still crying the slightest bit.

At the end, people felt sympathy for me. For everything I've been through. For being, Katniss Everdeen. The Girl on Fire. The Mockingjay. The Catnip. The Sweetheart. The Brave One.


I also wrote this chapter on vacation. It's a weird one, but aren't they all wierd?

Hollyann is really busy lately and won't be able to cowrite:( I might need a new cowriter later on;)

Love y'all!


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