Chapter 23: The Same Plan

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Sandy's POV

The bright sun glistened through a peek in my eyelids as I wake up to the sound of beautiful birds, who can probably peck you to death.

I slowly climb out of my little bush and stretch.

I can feel it. Today is the day that the final battle happens.

Nervousness forms into me as I realize that there is a fifty percent chance that I'd die within the next 24 hours.

I force myself to eat a handful of nuts that I found at the bottom of the sack Katniss gave to me. I clean my spear with a leaf, freshening it from all the dry blood that is left by the fallen tributes.

The air is damp because of the rain yesterday. I smell the sweet scent of the berries around me. This bush is the perfect place to hide. It conceals and it gives me a nice refreshing thought every time I sniff. I don't dare eat the berries, though because who knows if they can kill me or not. It's like those blueberry-like berries that Katniss had in her first games. Those berries were so deadly that they caused a revolution.

"The gamemakers are bound to do something to lead us together for the battle," I whisper to myself.

I remember the last few days had been very good. Not because I actually had a relatively full stomach, but because the gamemakers did not bother me. I was totally left alone and I wandered around. I never realized this, but the arena is beautiful. It has green leafy trees and the water is glistening blue. I couldn't totally enjoy it because there was another tribute, maybe trying to hunt me down, so I always had to look out for myself.

I can't wait to get out of this damn arena. The experience has been the absolute worst and I never want to experience it again.

I had no allies and I basically talked to no one. First thing I do is spot the victim. Second is throw my spear. There is no third step because the tribute is long dead by then.

I probably killed half of the tributes in this arena. I guess 'Johanna Mason style' actually works.

The jungle is currently relatively silent, not counting the occasional sounds from the animals. It's really peaceful and if this was not a fight to the death, I would like to vacation here.

I decide to go wash in the ocean. I don't want to look bad. Even if I don't win, at least I'd die prettily.

The water against my skin was a new sensation even if I had showered daily back at home. I think it's because I haven't washed in the two and a half weeks I've been in this arena.

I make sure I don't go to deep into the water, for I cannot swim. There were pools in the Capitol, but my father was a Capitol born peacekeeper did not dare let me near water because that's how my mother died. She drowned.

My father soon also died in a fight during the uprising. He was in district 5 and a peacekeeper accidentally shot him when he was trying to aim at a merchant.

I've lived with my aunt ever since. My aunt didn't have children for a reason. She absolutely hated them. She ignored me every single day and only spoke to me whenever she needed me to get her something. The older I got, the more valuable I was to my aunt. She used me as a servant and didn't even pay me.

During the rebellion, my aunt was shot by a rebel soldier randomly, while I was grocery shopping. I hear her last words were my name. You probably think that it was really sweet for her to use her last breath to say my name, but I'm almost totally sure that the only reason she called me was so that I could take the bullet for her.

As I bathe, I manage to grab a couple of fish from the rushing water. I clean them, then make a fire.

It's dangerous, making fires here. My opponent could see the smoke and track me down, but I am no longer scared because I know that the faster the battle is done, the faster I can get out. Now, I have to figure out if I am getting out of this arena or my life.

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