Chapter 24: A Victor

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The spear went through her stomach, just as it did with Rue.

"No!" I wail, rushing up to the screen.

All of the other mentors are here to watch the final battle. They watch my vulnerability and some even snicker.

"You think this is funny?" I challenge them.

"It's quite amusing seeing you cry and complain in an annoying tone," Johanna's lips quirk up. A couple of the other mentors nod in agreement.

I take a deep breath, "My tribute just died. I thought she was going to make it out, but a spear went right through her stomach. I imagined my ally from my first games as the spear went through Sandy's stomach because that is exactly how Rue died. If you guys aren't deep enough to feel what I felt, then don't speak or laugh."

"Katniss is right. We all have dead tributes. When you saw your tribute die, do you remember how you felt?" Annie adds.

A wave of murmurs go through the crowd of mentors.

"I cried!" a skinny man exclaimed.

"I went into the training centre and stabbed a dummy," Johanna recalled.

"I went a bit nuts when both of my tributes died," Beetee gives a sigh.

As the mentors continue to chat about how they felt when their tributes died, I went to sit at my spot, trying to calm myself.

Peeta rubs my back as I remember Sandy.

She was my favourite tribute. She died so young and I didn't even know much about her. I find it very odd how she got killed the exact same way as Rue...

"I guess I was wrong," Enobaria says with a smirk, "My tribute isn't much of a loser after all."

"Congratulations," I hiss at her.

"I'm sorry you had to lose Sandy. She must've be nice," Enobaria shows off her fangs.

Somehow, I lost it. I started to claw Enobaria and jump on her. She, of course, was fighting back. I made her cheek bleed and I'm pretty sure I have a black eye.

I feel a sharp pain in my arm, before everything goes black.


I wake to two faces staring down at me.

"How long was I gone?" I ask tiredly.

"About two days," Peeta responds.

"They shot the needle in both your arm and Enobaria's. She's still out, so you don't have to worry," Cinna smiles.

I feel my foehead, "What day is it?"

"It's the day where they have the interview with the victor," Peeta informs me as Cinna nods.

I groan, "Did they return Sandy's body?"

Peeta looks at Cinna with a worried expression before turning back to me, "Her body is long gone, Katniss. They brought it and shipped it away while you were in your coma."

I feel tears coming, "You guys didn't try to stop them?"

"We wanted to wake you, but the doctors said that it would be highly dangerous for you mentally. We also tried to reason with the soldiers about leaving her body here for longer, but they resisted," Cinna looks down at me sadly.

A tear rolls down my cheek, "She didn't deserve this."

"None of them did," Peeta responds.

"Now, since your awake, lets get your hair and makeup done," Cinna pulls me out from under the warm covers.

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