Chapter 4:Sneaky Victors

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The next morning, I go to breakfast quietly. It must be late, Peeta had already left.

When I get to the dining car, I see that it is packed. I find Beetee, who is eating by himself.

"Hi, Beetee," I say as I sit beside him.

"Oh! Hello, Katniss! Fine morning in district 1,right?" he asks.

"We've arrived already?" I ask.

"Yes. It's very nice around here, except for the ashes," he sighs.

During the war, the Capitol, bombed the districts. Even 12 has lots of ashes that are not yet swept away.

"It sounds very great! Maybe I'll go for a walk after breakfast," I say as I begin to eat.

"Absolutely, but be careful of the forcefield. It was put there to prevent the tributes from escaping. You wouldn't want to run into it. You won't die, but some bruises should occur," Beetee says.

I nod,"Thanks for the warning. So how are you putting up with... this?"

"Just trying not to think about it. It really helps," he says.

Just then Peeta taps my shoulder,"Morning! Katniss, would you like to go for a walk?"

"Just what I was thinking! Sure. Bye Beetee!" I say.

"Bye! You guys are going to be an amazing wife and husband," he smirks.

Peeta shoots Beetee a death look. I laugh. People always tease me and Peeta about marriage.

Peeta leads me out of the door.

We walk in silence for a few minutes.

He then grabs my hand and then he smiles. I smile back.

"Hey, Katniss. Look!" he points at a mockingjay in the distance.

"Wow! That's amazing!" I say looking at the beautiful bird for a moment.

When I turn back to face Peeta, he's holding out a tiny black box. Inside the box is a shining ring. It has a diamond in the middle and amethysts all around the ring.

"Katniss Everdeen, will you marry me?" he asks as he drops to his knees.

I gasp. A tear rolls down my cheek. The most I can do is nod.

He jumps up and hugs me tight. After I stop crying he kisses me.

After a few seconds, I can hear shouts coming from the train. The victors are all standing a fair distance away from me and Peeta, they are clapping their hands and shouting, including Haymitch who doesn't look that drunk. Even Enobaria is smiling.

"Ha! Nice! Oh, we've known about this the whole time! You should have seen your face when he pulled out the ring. It was priceless!!!" Johanna slaps my back.

The other victors hug me and Peeta.

"Where did you get this ring? It must have cost you a fortune," I look at the ring around my finger. The others have left to prepare for the tribute parade.

"It was my mother's. She gave it to me to give to a special girl and here we are," he smiles and puts his arm around me.

The woman who hit my fiancée, gave this to him? I can hardly believe it.

"Thank you, it's beautiful," I say sweetly.

"You're welcome. A beautiful ring for a beautiful girl," he says tugging me back towards the train.

I begin blushing, but I know that Peeta won't mind.

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