Chapter Twelve

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  • 點播給 Tammy Fica

I couldn't close my eyes seeing as my face was completely numb when they found me. At first, all I saw    were two guys about my age or a year older in warm coats,  and big furry hats pulling me from the snow. They were yelling at each other, not harshly, but more in an alarmed way, as they grabbed my hand and yanked me out. They stared at me, both having identical blue eyes, and one threw me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. I noticed that they were wearing snow-shoes, and their coats were made of deer skins. I didn't struggle, assuming they were helping me, and I listened to them yell at each other in some language that I didn't care about, or understand. They're shoulders were both broader then mine, and much stronger. Eventually the one carrying me set me down against the wall of a cave, but it still wasn't helping my freezing conditions. The one in the darker skinned coat left, and the other sat across from me, pulling out a few matches. Sniffling, I asked who he was. His eyes flicked up to me, then over to the other one, who came back with some wood. He set them down on the ground, the other lit a match, and started a nice fire. The one that was carrying me took the cloth off that was hiding the lower part of his face, revealing the righ, darker skin, high cheekbones, and his nose was a bit longer, but it still suited him well. The other young man did the same, and I stared in awe, because they were identical twins. One looked to the other, then the second one announced:

"I'm Ishdon. This is my brother," he waved his hand at the clone next to him, "Ishmael. We live out a few miles from here in our tribe." Ishdon had some sort of accent I couldn't quite put my finger on . Ishmael looked me over, and smiled, holding his hand out to shake. I reluctantly took it, and he pulled me up standing. I smiled a bit, cheeks numb, and watched Ishdon study me carefully, like I an alien. I asked what their tribe name was, it was something like Kokolano, but I can't be sure. Ishdon put his hands up to the roaring fire, and started to warm them, while Ishmael and I chattered happily with each other. It was like we were best friends in a matter of seconds. I leaned against the wall of the cave, still smiling and talking as my new friend offered his coat to me, and put it over my shoulders. I saw how lean Ishmael was, his corded muscles moving beneath the long, black sleeves of his tight shirt, and the wisps of his warm breath swirling around his face. 

Now standing, Ishdon said cooley, "We should take you back to our tribe. I'm sure you will be welcomed, people like you are rarely found alive out here."

I didn't know what he meant by, 'people like you', but I didn't like it too much. In fact, I wasn't really getting a warm vibe from Ishdon at all. He looked at me like In was a lower being.. like an animal. Ishmael broke me out of my daydream, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and laughing, saying something sarcastic to his brother, his eyes electric blue, just like his twin. Extinguishing the fire quickly, Ishdon frowned at me, seeing as I was wearing his brothers coat. I smiled sheepishly at him, trying to mend some fences, but he just continued to walk out in the blizzard, cheeks flushing with anger. I stayed in between them, throwing an arm over my eyes to shield the harsh, frozen knives from getting into them. After treading snow for what seemed like eternity, I saw a small little igloo with puffs of smoke rising from the small cylinder I'm guessing was the chimney. I always wondered why igloos didn't melt when a fire was burning within it, but I never found out.  At first the houses dotted the area, but within a few minutes, people were walking quickly from igloo to igloo, children shouting to one and other, along with the burning stares, and glares of people I didn't know. One thing was for sure, if Ishdon and Ishmael weren't with me, I'd be in deep crap. I was in a daze, looking around at the different people, when Ishmael said, 

"Come inside, I'm sure my mother has prepared food for us." 

As soon as I entered the igloo, my eyes widened at how marvelous it was. Animal skins of all sorts hung from the walls, the icy flooring was covered in a mammoth hide, and a hallway led off to the left, and a sunroof made of ice, which I was surprised that hadn't melted yet, and there was a pot in the center of the room, with a girl standing in front of it, staring at me. Her clothing wasn't any different from the other townspeople, thick furs, and fluffy boots. Her large, round eyes matched Ishdon's and his brother, but her face wasn't as long, and she has a cute little nose that was pick against the caramel color of her skin. She jerked her head from me, to Ishdon, suddenly moving to the desk in one part of the room, still holding the bone spoon from which she used to stir the soup in the pot, then she scampered back to the pot, and bowed.

"Welcome home, brothers." Her voice was melodic, strangely beautiful. 

"Thank you, Mhana. We have brought a guest." His voice was formal, and still cold. I wonder what Ishdon's problem was. 

Ishmael blurted, "His name is Ryker. He's stuck down here in Limbo."

Her face drooped a little when he said 'stuck' but she smiled anyway. Our eyes locked, as if some sort of connection was made between us, then her eyes averted, and she called over her shoulder to someone. A plump woman come out, dressed also in animal skins, and she looked from her children to me quickly, a smile creeping across her face.

"Hello, what is your name?" She asked, voice as sweet as honey. 

"Ryker Winstead." I responded quietly, being more polite then usual. 

"Well, it's very nice to meet you, Ryker Winstead. I assume you've met my sons, have you met my daughter?" Raising her thick , black eyebrows, almost looking over her shoulder. 

"I don't think I have..." Feeling Ishdon's eyes on me, I looked away from her to the bear-furred ground. 

 "Oh," She smiled, "I'll call her down so you two can can meet properly."

"Mother-" Ishmael started, clutching my shoulder a bit harder, "That's not necessary." 

She ignored this, and called over her shoulder for her daughters name in a shrill, alarm-like voice. In two seconds flat, Mhana was by her side breathing heavily, eyes darting everywhere. She only calmed when her mother told her to introduce herself. For a few seconds her cheeks became crimson with anger, but it was gone quickly, and she held out her hand, not looking at me. Taking it gently, surprised by how soft her hands were, I told her it was nice meeting her, like any other person. Mhana jerked away quickly, stepping back. Once again, all eyes were on me. Ishdon curtly grabbed her arm, and took her away quickly while I wondered what happened. Wondering what the problem was, I turned to Ishmael. His eyes were strangely distant but he snapped from his reverie quickly and looked at me, his lips curving at the corners slowly. I heard their mother trot away happily, humming a strange five-noted tune. 

"Well, that was strange." He said.

"What was the fuss there?"

"My little sister falls in love with every guy she sees. It's like some strange fetish..." Ishmael trailed off, looking longingly at the soup pot. 

"Are you hungry?"

"Yes, but us children have to wait to eat, having the left-overs from out parents."

"Kind of like wolves, right? Fist kill is the first to eat?" Raising my eyebrows, I look at the pot now also. 

"Yes. Sometimes Ishdon and I sneak out a fish, bringing it home and cooking it while everyone else is sleeping." I heard his stomach squelch, a sickening sound, and he clutched it lightly with his heavily-gloved hand. 

"Why don't we go out and fish now?" 

"Do you know how?" His head whipped towards me, eyes wide, hopeful. 

"Of course. Every guy is supposed to know how to fish, my dear friend."

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