Chapter Eleven

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  • Dedicated to Tammy Fica

I didn't close my eyes, because I didn't want this moment to slip away from me like everything else did, including little parts of my sanity. This was probably the most peaceful moment I've ever had in a while, and I wanted to keep it that way. Continuing to make the circlets, I began to become a bit sleepy, just watching the little blades of deep green grass swaying and skittering to the winds dance. Eventually sitting up, I looked around and I saw a few, ancient looking rocks ahead of me by a few feet, and looking farther, I saw my elementary school that shut down when I was in the fifth grade. I never did accept it, how my whole childhood could be ripped away by a few CEO's, and other big-cats.. I just couldn't. After we were split up, I had a really hard time at my new school, in my opinion, all of the other students acted like robots, not one different from the next. That's when I had begun to act up, cause fights, break rules, ect. When I graduated, I promised myself I wouldn't do things like that again, but I obviously went back on my word. My eyes grazed across the large, old field where all the popular kids, like me, played soccer, then they wandered off to the kick-ball, or, baseball diamond. Nostalgia washed over me as I stood, and stared at the space-net, which is like a giant spider-web. The school I took Indigo too was the elementary I graduated from, it was nothing compared to this. Once I had gotten to the basketball court, guess what, a basketball rolled up to my feet. I wasn't surprised since everything here was really weird, and I shot a basket. Smiling like a child at Christmas, I started doing this over, and over, and over, until Indigo ran up, and knocked it from my hands, dribbling it. 

"Hey, no double-dribble." I chuckled, trying to take it from her.

"I'll do what I want!" Passing it between her legs, she dropped it, and it started to roll over the play pad.

We both ran after it at the same time, playfully pushing and shoving eachother trying to get there first. As we approached, we started to laugh, and I reached down, swooped the ball up quickly, and hid it behind my back. She skidded to a stop directly in front of me, giggling, and telling me to hand it over. I politely told her no, and she stepped up, her little nose pressing against mine.

"Are you sure you're going to say no?" She asked, the corner of her mouth twitching upward.

"What will you do?"

"This!" She started to tickle me, and I dropped the ball, trying to push her prying hands away from me.

I've never felt this way about a girl, it was so.. strange. I was the kind of guy to never want to be with girls for a long time.. to never really get serious. Whenever Indigo smiled, I smiled, when she laughed, I Iaughed. The moments like these were I forgot I was dreaming. Now leaning against a green bench facing the blue jungle-gym where all of the lunch moms watched us while we played, I had my arms around Indigo, holding her.She didn't struggle, snap at me to let go, or anything of that sort. Slowly bringing her arms up, and wrapping them around my back, pulling me closer to her. I nuzzled her hair, which smelled like straw berries, and murmured that I never wanted to let her go. She rested her head on my chest, and smiled, relaxing. We embraced like this for a few moments, and I looked up slightly to the school, knowing it's just a memory, I exhaled slowly, and watched it begin to fade. 

"Letting go is the way out of here, Ryk..." Her voice was quiet, and subtle, almost comforting. 

"I know..." I felt as if guilt, and a bit of anger had been lifted off of my shoulders, and I loosened my grip, smiling down at her. She pulled back, and smiled at me also, pushing a blond tress behind her small ear. We were now standing in the center of a field, just staring at each other. Indigo got up on her toes, and kissed me lightly. I pulled away, but just barely, because our lips were still brushing, and whispered:

"What ever happened to hating me?"

She responded with a smirk, "I do, just not right now." 

Wrapping my arms around her thin waist, closing the space between us, I inquired quietly, "Is that so?" Resting my forehead against hers, I smiled slightly.

She answered me by kissing me again, this time a bit deeper. It was intoxicating, the way she kissed me. Surprised by this, I staggered back a bit, eyes closing again, cheeks flushing. I heard her giggle a bit, and wrap her arms tight around me neck so she could get at my mouth better. My limbs turned to rubber, and I melted into her, kissing her with a burning passion. Making a noise of surprise, she stepped on my foot, and I fell backwards, still holding her. Indigo landed on top of me, gasping in surprise, while I smirked, pulling her back down, her lips slanting across mine. I hated how I always forgot about closing my eyes, and opening them somewhere else, which was exactly what I did. I suddenly sat up, now freezing from the snow I was laying in. Jumping up, I started to shiver violently, not used to the cold. My eyes flicked around madly, while I hugged myself trying to get warm. The little powder-flakes got caught in my hair, and I started to walk through the knee-deep snow, shivering and sniffling, as if I was sick.As far as I knew, i was back in the middle of no where. I wasn't dressed in the proper winter gear, as I realized this when my toes began to numb. Plowing faster, I noted how my pants were getting soaked, and my calves started to sting. Wrapping my arms around myself in a desperate attempt to become warm, the snow started to thicken. Sooner then I thought, I couldn't see through the sheets of ice-rain. Turning my back on the winds, trying to wlk backwards, was the moment I lost the feeling in both of my long legs, and they didn't support me any longer. I fell to my knees, sheltering my face, and a gust shoved me down with enough force to flip a car. As I fell face first, the ice-rain/snow began to bury me, like I was a new member of the dead. Sticking my hand up above the surface, fingers twitching, I screamed for help, but the only thing the came from my chapped lips were a few exuses for words. I couldn't breathe, see, or hear any longer. I knew I wasn't done for, because somehow I would either save myself, or someone would find me. 

The waiting, let alone, was the worst part of it.

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