Chapter Nine

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  • Dedicated kay Tammy Fica

The thing I hated most about Limbo is that whenever I closed my eyes for at least two minutes, the time would change. When I opened my eyes again, I looked over to see Indigo, but of course, she was gone. I frowned, and slowly started to stand stretching my legs, as I did so, throwing my arms over my head, extending and cracking my fingers, I yawned. At least the air had warmed up a little, and this new humidity made me sniffle, as I kicked at the mist swirling around my calves.

“Hey, Ryk…” A new voice started from the overcast sky.

“Uh… Hi?” I craned my head upward, searching the grey clouds for the source.

“I know you probably can’t hear me, but, I miss you… Mom and Dad miss you too.”


“Sis! Michelle! Can you hear me?!” I screamed at the heavens.

“The doctors say you might not wake up… Ever. I don’t believe it, though. You have to wake up.”

“Michelle! Oh god! Can you hear me?” I jumped up, thinking as if it could possibly help.

I suddenly felt two, firm hands on my shoulder blades, and just as quickly as they came, I was on the ground, trying to get air into my lungs. It took me a few minutes to regain motion, and then I rolled onto my back, and looked up at the person who pushed me. The thing is, it wasn’t a person. With the face of a rabbit, the arms of an octopus, and the tail of a snake, it was …. Eye opening. Gasping, I started to get up much faster, when I heard my mother say glumly:

“Ryker, your father and I aren’t angry about you wrecking his car… We just want you to come back to us.”

“I will, mom! I just need—AH!” His foot connected with my ribs, and I cringed coughing up some blood.

Squeezing my eyes closed, and opening them again, I glared at this guy. I’m naming you Foo Foo. Foo Foo stared at me, emotionless through his large, black eyes, and he lifted me up suddenly, but gently. Placing me back on my feet, he sniffed my forehead clearing some hair from it as he did so.

“Why did you kick me?”


“Um, what?”

Of course, I get a blank stare.

“Can you talk?” I ask, eyes narrowing.

Foo Foo shook his head.

“Where… where are you from?” Leaning against the white fence, flipping the hair out of my face, my eyes softened.

He pointed to my forehead. Feeling stupid, I shook my head, laughing.

“Right, is it okay if I call you Foo Foo?”

Foo Foo nodded.

“Well, we need to go, bud.” My dad choked.

“We’ll come back when we can, Genius…” Jamie said quietly, not able to hide her feeling like my mother can.

“Wait! I-“


Touching my cheek gingerly, I stared wide-eyed at the creature across from me. He stared right back, still showing no emotion. The message was clear now; very clear. Foo Foo didn’t want me to have any contact with the outside world. I didn’t know how I could hear my family, or why he didn’t want me to communicate with them but, I didn’t like it.

And I wasn’t about to start either.

.:Limbo:.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon