Chapter Six

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  • Dedicated to Tammy Fica

Everything in my vision had begun to get blurry, and I was losing blood, fast. My senses were fading in and I couldn’t focus on what was going on around me. Indigo was screaming, I could barely hear her though, and the other kids were laughing. This wasn’t happening again, not now at least. Ryk, you’re dreaming. You can do what you want. Closing my eyes once more, feeling the warm, salty tears streak my face, I imagined home, Mom making an apple pie while me and my sister sat and watched the T.V. I smelled the apple pie, I felt my sisters head on my shoulder, her pale blond hair getting up my nose, or in my mouth, while watching Looney Tunes. I felt someone lift me up, and set my head on their lap, pushing the sweat that matted to my forehead. Suddenly, I gripped the ground, feeling that it was woolly.. familiar.

“Mom..?” My voice was hoarse, and I coughed.

“Shh.. Don’t move, I’ll be right back.” The woman cooed, and she set my head gently on a pillow, rushing out of the room.

The sun was shining bright through the window, and the dust had made patterns in the sunlight. The ceiling was modern.. dark brown, square, shiny tiles, much like my ceiling at home. I groaned, the delayed pain from being stabbed flashing at me all at once. Just like that, she was back, holding a cloth on my forehead. It hurt to much to think, or talk. I noticed her tawny hair, much like mine, and her sharp nose, along with her strong arms. Aunt Mia. Trying to sit up, I had my arms wrapped tightly around my strong stomach. Her large, man-like hand pressed my back down to the floor. Aunt Mia told me to relax, and, not having much of a choice, I did so.

Still pressing the now warm cloth to my forehead, she murmured softly, “Some one's here to see you.”

Throwing an arm over my eyes, I nodded, signaling to bring this person in, and also to tell Mia to leave for the moment. If it was Indigo, I wanted to see her alone.

“Okay, sweetie, I’ll let her in now, and I’ll leave you two alone... alright?”

I nodded for the second time.

I heard her stand, and the floorboards creak beneath her weight. A moment later, I heard a door creak open, and Indigo thanking her politely, which was rare. My aunt welcomed her, and left, closing the heavy door behind her. I started to build up my voice, just for her. Why am I building myself up for her when she’s just going to knock me down? I thought, looking over at her, now sitting next to me.

“Hey, how are you feeling, Genius?” She asked, sighing heavily, pushing some hair from her face.

“I’ve been better..” I sniffle, gazing up at her.

“Of course you have.” Staring right back down at me, she took one of my hands, and brought it up to her cheek.

“How did I get here...?” I ask weakly, not taking my eyes from hers.

“I carried you here after those jerks stabbed you. Thomas took care of them quickly...” Her brown eyes broke away from mine, and they looked up to the suddenly, interesting ceiling.

Honestly, I didn’t want her to look away, or let go of my hand, or leave my side. I was perfectly content with her next to me. My thumb that was resting on her cheekbone, started to move back and forth. That got her attention. Indigo’s eyes were back on me, her eyes roaming over my face, as if she was looking at me for the first time. Then, they wandered down to my neck, then my midsection, going all the way back up to my eyes.

I laughed, coughing as I did, and said, “You’re so checking me out.”

“I am not!” Her face turning bright red, proved she did so.

“Will you just kiss me already, Indigo?” The words spilled from my mouth before I could stop them. Not knowing how she’d react, I took my hand away from her face.

“You... you want me to” I wasn’t looking at her, so I don’t really know how surprised she was.

“I don’t know, it was just a thought.” I mumbled so low, I doubted she could hear me.

Her fingers effortlessly tilted my head back towards her face, and our noses were brushing. I never thought any girl could make a guy like me blush. I was wrong. Her attitude was still there, in spite of the heavy romance, and the reason to make me say this is because, she threatened,

“If you tell anybody about this, I’ll rip your eyes from your skull. You got me?”

Looking into her eyes, I nodded a little, moving in closer, waiting for our lips to finally meet. At first, they just brushed. I wanted more, so I brought my hands up, and I cupped her face gently, pushing my lips onto hers. Indigo pulled away, and she gasped in surprise. My blue eyes also widened, not really knowing what I’d done wrong.

“Did that just happen?” She asked, face flushing.

“Yeah. Its going to happen again too.” I replied quietly, running my hand through her short, golden hair.

“What if your Aunt catches us..?”

“She wont. It’s my dream after all.”  I smiled, kissing her again.

Moving closer to me, and gripped onto my collar, and yanked me so near that I could feel her heart beating through her dark blue sweat-shirt. I staggered slightly, and placed my hands around her waist. I’d never made out with anybody, and so far, for my first time, I think I was doing pretty well. I felt my hands slip up her shirt, and she tensed. I pulled away, concerned.

“Are you alright?”

“I...” Her face was still close to mine, feeling her eyelashes brush my cheeks, she kissed me again, her pierced tongue running along my lower lip. My eyes fluttered closed, and I took off her sweat-shirt, looking at her tank top. I felt her smile, and she brought herself onto my lap.

I heard the door click open, and my aunt gasped, a raspy, shocked gasp. Indigo pushed herself away from me harshly. I fell backwards, staring wide-eyed from her to Aunt Mia, not ready to feel a size 8 in mens up my butt. But, hey, it was going to happen sometime, wasn’t it?

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