Chapter Eight

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  • Dedicated to Tammy Fica

My legs had started to act like they should after a few hours of non-stop walking. The sky had turned to a dark, inky blue, but the temperature did they opposite of all my logic, and warmed up to at least 77 degrees. This fog was starting to get annoying, and I had made it thin out, as well as the overcast making everything else gloomy. Looking up, I stopped for a brief moment, and watched the night sky. It looked as if someone had painted it, with purples, and bright blues splashing across the sky. The stars glinted gold, and the planets were placed in random places throughout my vision. I gaped at the beautiful scene unfolding, and some multi-colored drops fell from the sky like rain. A droplet landed on my wrist, and I looked at it. The droplet consisted sparkles, and bronze swirls. Hearing some one's feet crunching in the gravel, I turned around, eyes straining to find the source of this noise.

“It’s all cool, isn’t it?” He asked, walking up next to me, head craned skyward.

“Spencer?” I laughed, suddenly comfortable, “How did you get in my head?”

The whites of his black eyes looked over at me, smiling, white teeth glistening against his dark, cocoa skin. “I came to say goodbye, Ryk.”

“What...  what do you mean, man?” I shifted feet, sticking my hands into my jean pockets.

“I didn’t make it through the crash, I was gone on impact.” He didn’t look down at me, but his eyes softened slightly, smile fading a little.

“Oh my god... I’m so sorry. It’s all my fault. I should’ve gotten-”

“Man, it’s cool. Don’t worry about it, I’m fine.” He draped an arm over my shoulder, and leaned against me slightly, as we always did.

“Are you serious? Think about your family, they’re devastated. I killed you, and you’re saying it’s fine?” My stomach lurched, like the feeling you get going down a roller coaster, not really knowing if the cart is going to fly off of the tracks.

“Everything happens for a reason, you know. It’s all coo’, I’m not in any pain anymore.”

“But, why us? Why you, why me? It’s not fair!” I exclaimed, raising my voice slightly.

Spence shook me a little, still having not taken his eyes away from the display in the sky. We both stared upward, gazing at the heavens, almost waiting for the angels to sweep us off of our feet, under their wings.

“We’ll see each other again.”  He promised, his soulful voice cracking slightly.

“No, no. Please,” I pleaded, sounding pathetic, “Don’t leave me here alone, I don’t know how to get out of here. I need your help.”

“I wish I could help, man. I really do. They only person who can help you, is yourself.”

“How? Please, do you know what’s going on? If you do, please, feel free to fill me in.” 

“I don’t have much time, bro. I gotta go, see what’s out there, find where I belong..” He trailed off, taking his arm off of me, and stepping back, looking at me.

I stared at him, trying to grasp what was going on. His skate shoes started to fade, along with his feet, slowly going up with the rest of his body. I really didn’t need this kind of pain right now. I’d known him since the second grade, we were like brothers. Nothing, no one could tear us apart. At least, not until now.

“Please, don’t go. I’m trapped, I can’t leave.” I started to shake, not truly knowing how weak I am on the inside,  “I need your help, please! I’m scared, man, I need help.”

“The only the advice I can give you is, let go.” Now his neck was gone, and his face was transparent.

“Let go of what? WAIT!”  I screamed, reaching out for him, but, he was gone.

I was alone, but, it was different this time. Everyone says that, you’re never really alone, even if you feel like you are. That’s a lie. I was seriously alone, nobody cold stop this feeling of emptiness, this feeling of drowning, never breaking the surface of the murky waters, triumphant. That was all gone now. I bit my lip, screwing my eyes tightly closed, keeping back the tears. Feeling more of the little drops of the stars shower on me, I let all the tears fall. Whoever is reading this, I just want you to know, real men do cry. At this point, I didn’t care if anybody saw, sitting down, I sniffled, and wiped my eyes. Looking through the old white fence that I remembered from the first time I came here. Slush, slosh, slush, slosh. I hadn’t bother to look up, and a figure sat beside me, looking the same way I was.

“You’re crying? I thought big, strong guys like yourself didn’t cry.” Her velvet voice remarked.

“Yeah, you’re insults are just what I need right now, Indigo. Just go away if you don’t care.”

“If I didn’t care, why would I be here?”

“You said earlier that what we did was a mistake. You never cared, did you?” I hissed, gritting my teeth.

She hesitated, inhaling slowly, then whispered,

“If I never cared, I wouldn't have kissed you like I did.”

Turning my head, I stared at her. Her profile was petite, not matching her uber-bold personality. Her nose was small, and upturned slightly, her upper lip was more angled then her lower, her chin was small, cute.


“Duh. Girls don’t kiss guys they don’t like.”

“Are you always this rude?” I ask, looking away from her.

Indigo slugged me in the shoulder, rocking me back on my side.

“Ow! What was that for?” Rubbing my shoulder, I glared at her.

“Never, call me rude.”

“But you are!” I punched her back, playfully.

She hit me back a lot  harder.

“Don’t touch me, Winstead.”

Note to self: Don’t touch, look at, or attempt any contact with Indigo.

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