Chapter Ten

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  • Dedicated to Tammy Fica

Eventually, I got away from Foo Foo, but I never really knew how long it would stay that way. I can honestly say, he's annoying as heck. I didn't know where he came from, or why he liked me, but hey, I guess I'm a really like able person. This gloomy atmosphere was really starting to make me angry, because I never really did like gloomy, depressing atmospheres. It reminds me of World War 2 for some reason, as I walked through a graveyard of some sort. Eventually I stopped, and crouched down at a headstone of a young boy. Some toys were left around his grave, one was a bright red teddy bear with one eye, another was a toy soldier, hand painted, I'm guessing. The thing that got me the most was what people had written on his headstone is some sort of marker. They were hate messages. Why would someone write this on this poor kids headstone? I asked myself. But there was no point, since I'd never get an answer. Standing again, i shoved my hands into my jean's pockets, regarding this kids headstone one final time, and I turned, walking away. His was probably the smallest out of the rest of them, which were granite white mausoleums, or large grey headstones, which where incredibly smooth. I heard giggling. Not the stereotypical creepy crap from the movies... Happy giggling. I whirled around, and started to search the fog for the children. I saw nothing, not even a hand. Shaking my head, telling myself that I was imagining it, I turned around on my heel, and started to walk again, listening to my feet smash the dirt, then, it happened again. It was a lot closer this time. Out of my side vision, I saw a little head of brown hair. I jerked my chin that way, and ran to the headstone I saw him behind. 

He wasn't there. Just his little footprints is in the dark brown soil.

I straightened myself, eyes narrowing, and looked around. I called out to see if anyone was there, but the only response was the cawing of a distant raven. This was starting to make me nervous, and my stomach turned. A small fist enclosed around my pants, and tugged downward. Screaming, I swung one of my hands at the person, who wasn't there. I began to run, going back towards where I had entered the cemetery, but what I found was two pathways, the went either left for right, and more graves ahead. I was in deep trouble, I just didn't know if I was going to drown in it yet. Looking around frantically, hair whipping the sides of my face, I started to sprint down the left path, which the ground had started to become black... and sticky. It was tar, just what I needed!  Trying to step back, I fell over, and yelled, since it was burning my skin off. This isn't happening, oh god, please tell me this isn't happening. I was now neck deep in this, still screaming for help. I screwed my eyes closed, waiting to be suffocated, and as soon as I went under, it felt like I was swimming in water, but just a bit thicker. I opened my eyes, and everything was black. I held my hand in front of my face, and, it was red. Yeah, I was swimming in blood. I started to look for bubbles, because wherever bubbles go is where the surface is, right? Well, the bubbles were going in front of me. 

My lungs were aching, so I used all of the strength I possibly had left to swim in the direction the bubbles were going. Thrashing at the darkness, I finally broke the surface. Gasping for air, hair matted to my slender face, I swam until I hit sand. I collapsed on my stomach,and started to cough the inhaled blood up. After my fit was done and over with, I sat up, arms shaking from exhaustion, and my eyes wandered lazily around my new surroundings. The water was dark, but, at least it was water. It seemed like I was in an underground cavern, lots of beautiful rock lining the walls, and above my head. The very little flooring that was there was powder white, soft, comfortable, sand.

Honestly, at this point, I was up for anything. I closed my eyes slowly, letting unconsciousness pick me up, and cradle me away like the waves that had just held me. Sincerely, I thought I was dead. Is it true that if you hit the ground in a dream and you don't wake up, you're dead? I never did figure that out. I awoke when sand had started to fall through a few cracks in the ceiling, and pile up on the small of my back. St up suddenly, I felt my elbows crack, and I rolled out of the way, breathing heavily. Sand was pouring down from every other sand patch, and I stood up, stretching, and cracking my sore neck. The island's waters that I was standing on was shallow enough to walk through, and to my delight, it was warm, like a hot tub. Getting to the next patch of sand, I noticed the water level had gotten deeper then the last. Slowly starting to wade in, I took my shirt off, feeling the warm water touch my perfectly-sculpted abs. This isn't so bad... Yeah, I thought that until I felt a hand brush my ankle. I looked down into the dark water, but saw nothing. I started to dogie-paddle through the water, not wanting to touch the cavern flooring anymore. When I got to the next one, I gagged when I saw the flooring. It consisted of dead children, and bones of some sort. It was horrifying. Moving further back into the cavern, I noticed light shining through one of the cracks. I looked around desperately, trying to find any way I could get myself up there. 

It was a miracle, I found a tall rock to climb. It sure as heck didn't look easy, but I'd do it if it meant getting out of this hole. I swam to it, and I put my hands along its jagged, yellow surface, and I pulled myself up. I scraped my knee as I descended upwards, leaving some stains on the rock, and when I was nearly to he top, a few bats started to screech, and fly around my head. Swatting them away with my free hand, I started to lose balence. Knowing I had to ignore the pests, I continued my climb back to the surface, where I belonged. With one final reach to grab the edge of the flat top of this rock, my foot slipped. Letting go of the rock, I slid down a few feet, making the conditions of my legs alot worse. Gasping, once again catching my breath, I started up again, just alot slower now, and once I reached the top, i sat down for a moment to relax, and rebuild my strength. I stared up through the crack, and smiled, seeing the warm sunlight peak through, almost grinning back at me. I stood again, reaching up for the crack, and once I had gotten a good enough grip onto the coarse ledge, and started to pull myself upward. Once I had gotten up, I layed on my stomach, rubbing my fingers in circlets around the grass, making sure it was actually real before I stepped on something and hell through to Hell again. Exhaling slowly, I smiled, finally able to chill. The air was even warmer, and to deepen my delight, I had begun to beat down on my back. I wanted a tan anyway. 

This wasn't the Shadow-People's time, not Indigo or Foo Foo's time. It was mine, all mine.

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