Chapter Two

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  • Dedicated to Tammy Fica

I officially wanted to kill myself. I was lost in some random city, well, not really a city, more like a country side. It was almost like a horror movie, fog raising up to to my waist, the farmland abandoned. I have no idea why, but it reminded me of my aunts area of wherever I was. Unfortunately, it reminded me of that city from those vampire movies... It was Forks, right? Yeah... anyway. The weather matched Forks, gloomy, depressing... But, I’ve seen it all before, if that makes any sense. Plain as day, I see the figure of a man, facing me, 20 feet ahead.

“Hey! Mister! Can you help me?” I call out to him, jogging up.

“Spare change?” He says, holding up a sign, asking for money. This guy obviously has been through a lot, judging by the scars, and ruined clothing.

I stare at him for a second, figuring him out. “I will in a sec, but, how do I get out of here?”

He coughed. Once again, he repeated what he’d previously said. Clearly, he wasn’t mentally healthy. I reached into my pocket, groping for my wallet. Suddenly, he grabbed onto my shoulder with an iron grip.

“They’re everywhere, kid.” He whispered.

“Who’s everywhere?” I try to sound concerned, but I honestly want to get away from this guy.

This guy started to laugh. Hysterically. I backed away from him, and walked around him carefully, not wanting to make his condition, or the situation any worse. He turned around, smiling a horrifying, toothless smile.

“They’re everywhere.” His glass eye pooped out of its socket.

I remember this guy. I gave him change once in Detroit. I jerked away from him, brushing the dirt off of my sweat shirt. Backing away from him quickly, I turn around, and speed walk into the fog as quickly as I can. The old man was still laughing; I could just... feel it. None of this was making sense to me at the time. How did he get here? Where am I? How did I get here? Who was Indigo? Why me? None of that mattered though. I needed to get home. This road wasn’t getting any shorter, an old white, paint chipped fence lined either sides of this dirt road. Walking over, I threw one leg over the rotting fence, and proceeded to jump over, when the fence gave in under my weight. Hopping over, I started to walk through a mushy field full of three seasoned old crops, not enjoying the mushy sound beneath my sneakers. Biting my lip, I looked down at my converse, half expecting them to be ruined, but they surprisingly weren’t. Looking back up, the fog had begun to rise higher, now up to my shoulders.

“Hello? Is there anybody out there?”

No answer, just that eerie silence in that dark room where Indigo found me.

I wanted to give up. There was no point in looking, if you’re going to find nothing of use. Plop. Splash. Plop. Splash. I stopped, seeing if it was just me walking, making those sounds. Apparently it wasn’t, because the walking continued.  I called out ‘Hello’ again, but, the walking was fading. I ran after the noise, but, nothing was making it. I was probably right in the same spot in the field where the noise was coming from, but all I could see were little bare footprints leading north in the mud. Really? Am I on Punk’d? I didn’t take my eyes from the footprints. Have you ever been focusing on something so much, you don’t really see where you’re going, and run into something?  Well, I did then. It was a sign saying: ‘Turn Back Now’.

“Really? You really expect me listen to intimate objects?”

God, I sounded dumb.

The footprints stopped, and turned towards me, just passed the sign.

“You want me to come?” I ask.

The feet step back further into the fog.

“But the sign says I shouldn’t.”

No response.

“Fine. I’ll come, disembodied feet.” My voice croaked, walking next to the prints.

By now, you probably believe I’m insane. Following mysterious footsteps isn’t the smartest idea, but, I’m a naïve 16 year-old boy, lost in a mysterious area with no idea how to get out. The fog had started to thin, and the air began to become bitter cold. Whisks of warm breath swirled around my face, and I sniffled, wiping my nose on my hoodie sleeve. The feet had vanished without me noticing, being the dumb kid I am, I had kept walking aimlessly. Eventually, the mist had dispersed, and I was standing in front of an old barn. Walking carefully up to its doors, I looked through the rotting wood.

“Anybody home?” My voice echoed in the silence.

The doors suddenly busted open, a flock of decaying birds, and a few bats flew over my head. Ducking instinctively, I cried out. Looking up, and standing slowly, the barn was still intact. Plows, hoes, everything a farmer could ask for was in here. Stepping forward, I coughed,


“What are you doing here?” She hissed.

“What’re you doing here, Indigo?”

“Well, you put me here, remember?”

“Uh... No.” I seriously had no idea what she was talking about.

The dark brown eyes that belonged to her rolled back, and she blew a strand of hair from her face. “You’re so ignorant.”

“Ignorant of what?” I shot lime a bullet.

“What’s going on around you. Leave me alone. You’re the last person I want to see right now, Ryk.”

“How do you know my name, again?”

Once again, she ignored my question. Striding off towards the darkness, I saw something darker, with long hands, and a mannequin face. Sprinting after them, I grabbed ahold of this man. The gentleman turned around, and thrust his arm out, sending me soaring through the air at some breakneck speed. Hitting the wooden wall, I heard at least two of my ribs crunch.

“Ryker!” I heard Indigo yell through the ringing in my ears.

The man paused, and looked down at her, seeming disappointed. He turned his gaze back to me, even though he had no eyes.

“Don’t hurt my friends, Thomas!”

Thomas. I spoke in my mind. You’re going down if you ever touch me again. Thomas trailed behind her, head inclined. The tall girl bent over next to me, putting her perfect hand on my midsection.

“Ah… What’re you doing?” I gasped through clenched teeth.

“Nice going, Genius, you broke two ribs.” She snapped.

“It’s not my fault!  If it weren’t for your stupid…. Whatever you call that thing, I wouldn’t be this way!” I raised my voice, hurting myself more.

Indigo’s eyes flared. This wasn’t good. I suddenly felt dizzy, and the last thing I saw was the pretty girl I just met, shoving some liquid down my throat.

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