For Melanie (Nash Grier)

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*Melanie/Your Pov*

I was currently sitting in health with my boyfriend Nash and his friends Carter, Matt and Cam. And wer are all seniors. The classroom has groups of four so it was them four sitting together then there was me, Sydney, and Madison in another group. 

There was an uneven number of people in our class so we only have three people in our group. I didn't mind but today in health we were learning about sex. Worse subject to teach with Carter, Matt, Cam, Nash and Sydney in one class together. They have the most perverted minds ever. But yet they say I do.

I just don't get it. But hey whatever. I mean Madison notices how dirty minded they are. And oh Carter and Sydney are dating while Madison and Matt flirt but wont actually go out on a date then start dating. 

Yeah my friends are complicated but I love them to death I guess. I mean I kinda have to. 

Out of the blue I got slapped. I looked up and saw Sydney smirking.

"What?" I whispered-yelled.

"What you just said," She whispered back.

I gave her a confused look.

"On how you kinda have to love us, your friends?" She raised her eyebrow.

I started to laugh quietly and mumble, "oh....yeah did I think that outloud?"

She gave me a "are-you-serious" look.

I just shrugged and smiled going back to taking notes. 

"Now if one is to shower and a sperm or egg gets on the towel or something you can not get pregnant. Simply because it would have dried within matter of seconds and basically dissolved. Now you should still wash the towel and everything but girls you can not get pregnant from that. Only possible way is actual pyshical intercourse. Or if you go to the doctors for a sperm donor." Mr.Burke mentioned then said, "Any questions?"

Carter of course raised his hand.

"Yes Carter. What is your question?"

"Now let's say a certain couple not gonna name anyone but Nash and Mel have been together since the seventh grade. Wouldn't you think, again wont name anyone but Nash, should take the role as the man of the group to actually get the spice going in the unknown, Nash and Mel's, relationship? I mean what if from the looks of it that the girl, Mel, looks ready but maybe it's the guy, Nash, who's nervous? Don't you think the man, Nash, should man up?" Carter asked.

I just stared at him with my mouth and eyes opened wide with Nash having the same expression. Everyone else in the class was either giggling or like Cam, Matt, Sydney and even Madison, they were laughing. 

"Well....umm....Carter. I think that that unname couple should decided when they're ready whether how long they've been together or not."

"Oh.....okay. Well see that Nash. Mr.Burke thinks you and Mel should speed things up before you lose the spark. Alright buddy," Carter said while patting Nash's back.

I just slid down my chair completely embarrassed. Nash face was turning red too. He gave me an apologetic smile and I just shrugged smiling back. We were basically having a talk with our minds until Mr.Burke yelled in an annoyed tone for Carter, Cam, Sydney, Matt and Madison to stop making weird sounds.

Then I looked up and saw Cam, Carter and Matt humping the air in their seats while making sex motions with their hands. Then Madison and Sydney were basically moaning while looking at them. I looked at them wide-eyed in a way of telling them to stop. But they just ignored us. 

Luckily the bell rung and the minute it did Nash and I grabbed our things and ran out. But then I remembered I needed to tell them something. I ran back into the room to see most students still in their laughing at my idiotic friends.

I poked my head into the door and cleared my thought.

"Hey guys! You may wanna hurry up because Nash is our ride home." I said loud enough with a smirk. I ran outside to his car and told him to drive quick.

He drove to his house and we both knew that it would take them a good twenty-five minutes. Probably wondering why we wont just go inside. Well we're at Cam's house and Cam brought all his spare keys to school and put them in his backpack just incase we got locked out so yeah. Nash and I are just hanging out in the car with him keep staring at me.

"What?" I finally asked blushing.

"Nothing. I can't stare at my beautiful girlfriend of five years?"

I blushed more.

He leaned over and kissed me. I kissed him back and it was perfect. His lips fit perfectly against mine and it was like everyone say their first perfect kiss felt like. Just this is how it feels every time we kiss and I can't get over the butterflies in my stomach.

After a while we heard a knock on the car window that made us jump. We saw it was our friends and we blushed more. We got out of the car and followed Cam inside. It was a Friday so we just stayed and watched movies, played rounds of truth or dare and everything else.

That night I fell asleep in Nash's arms feeling perfectly safe.

Done!!! One down and a whole bunch more to go(: lol but yeah here's one of many that has been just sitting around. Hope you enjoy it and would love feedback.

If you want a request look at my chapter that's labeled "IMPORTANT Read" it should be be right before the chapter "Quickie(: " so yeah just comment there.

Plus go follow my amazing bestfriend from instagram. She recently made a wattpad and would love to gain followers so she can start a book. @thosemagconboyz 

She truly amazing and I love speaking with her.

I feel like I'm forgetting something but I'll edit it in when it comes to me.


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