For Ryann(: (Cam Dallas)

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*Your Pov*

 Today was an important day.

It marks six amazing beautiful perfect months of dating my perfect boyfriend Cam. Cameron Dallas to be exact. 

He was the perfect boyfriend: smart, sweet, funny, caring, loving, cuddly, protective, and a total romantic. 

I knew he was planning something for our anniversary but he wouldn't tell me what. All he did was tell me to get dressed into something fancy and be ready by 7. It's currently 5:30 so I decided to go to my bathroom and turned on the shower. While waiting for the water temperature to be right I stripped out of my clothes and hopped in right when it was the perfect temperature. 

I washed my hair with my strawberry shampoo then  used my berry flirt scented body wash. By the time I got out of the shower I smelled like a basket of fruit. I wrapped myself in a towel and went over to my closet picking out my blue ruffle dress ( Once I was dried I put the dress on and left my brown hair a bit wet so it would curl naturally because Cam loved my natural hair for some weird reason. I then put on my lace peep toe heels and a bit of makeup. Nothing to serious just some lip gloss, mascara, a hint of eyeshadow and blush. By the time I was done it was 6:50.

Did I mention that I enjoy taking my time in the shower and just let my mind wonder? If not then you know now. I went downstairs and for some odd reason it took me five to get down the stairs. I sat on my porch swing waiting for Cam to show up. He somehow managed to get his license and be able to drive without parent permission. I don't know how so don't ask. The minute I saw his car I jumped up and ran down to his side.

I practically jumped into his arms. "I've missed you so much baby."

"I missed you too beautiful. You ready to get going?"

"Of course! I can't wait to see what you have planned out fo us tonight."

He walked over to my side of the car and opened the door for me. I got in and waited for him to get in. Once he was we started driving and I just looked out at the beautiful scenery. It was mid-summer so there were tons of beautiful flowers everywhere and just a beautiful world surrounding us. I looked at him and asked, "where are we going to?"

"It's a surprise baby," he said with a smirk.

"But Cammmmmm!!!!"

"Ryannnnnnnn!" he mocked.

I glared at him but it didn't last very long because I could never be mad at him. He is my Cambear. He is super cuddly like a teddy bear. I love cuddling with him.

"You gotta tell me or I'll be sad"

"Ry that doesn't work on me. You should know that by now. We have been together for six months and not once has it worked. I can tell when you fake cry."

"Damnit," I mumble under my breath.

I heard him chuckle and I just laid back watching the beautiful scenery. Soon i drifted into a small sleep.

~30 Mins Later~ 

I felt someone shaking me a bit and I slowly woke up. That must've been a long car ride. Cam helped me out of the car and that's when I noticed we were near a waterfall. This is where he asked me out. I wonder what's gonna happen here. I know he has a huge thing planned. I can just feel it inside of me. 

We walked over to a spot on the sand that was a bit away from the shore line. It was a beautiful view with the ocean waves slowly coming in. The stars shining bright and the moon full. What made it even better was that Cam had a picnic set up with all of my favorite food. We ate for a bit then we took a walk along the shoreline.

I held my heels in my hand while the other hand was interwined with Cam's. It honestly fits perfectly. But I could tell he was hiding something considering he was fiddling with something in his pocket. We just talked about how senior year would be like for us with prom and class day and all the super cool events we get to do. All of a sudden he stopped walking though so I turned to look at him.

"Ry, I understand that we've only been together for six months but I can't risk losing you.You mean the world to me. I love you with my entire heart. You are the one for me. You are beautiful, smart, funny, sweet, loving, outgoing, and very talented. I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend. I promise to protect you, secure you, love you and be the one guy you have always needed in your life. I promise you that our love will just grow," he said then got down on one knee. 


He couldn't be proposing could?

"Ryann, will you take this ring and make a promise to me to never leave me. To always love me and be there for me like I promise you. Promise me someday we will get married. Promise to accept this promise ring?" He said as he opened the ring box. 

I nodded and leaned down kissing him. I couldn't be any more happier. This is just perfect. Cameron Dallas gave me a promise ring! A promise to marry him  in the future sometime soon. 

This had to be a dream. 

But one I definitely didn't want to wake up from.

Hope you enjoyed it. My brain is fried a bit with all this typing and working on my own story but I truly hope you love it.(: If anyone wants a request look at my very first two chapters which explain how to get one(:


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