For Sara (Cameron Dallas)

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*Your Pov*

I had just gotten off the plane. I just wore a tank top, hoodie and sweat pants on the plane ride here so I was in deseperate need of changing my clothes. I grabbed my bag and walked to the ladies' restroom.

I took out a floral top and a pair of yellow shorts. I changed into that then put my long brown hair into a high pony tail. I changed out of my uggs into a pair of navy blue converse. Once I was finished with that I picked up my stringbag and my suitcase then left.

I looked around the entire airport until I spotted the one face I have been waiting forever to see. My bestfriend. Cameron Dallas. We have been friends since forever but then he moved. But we stayed in contact.

Today was a big day though. Today was his first day at magcon. I mean I was happy for him when he first told me but I was extremely excited when he invited me along! I mean I couldn't believe this especially since I love all the boys he's gonna be with. Cam and these boys are gonna be a handful luckily I wont be here for long...... I don't think so at least. I'll have to ask him.

Once he saw me he ran over to me. I flung into his arms and hugged him extremely tight. I missed my bestfriend way more than anyone would or could ever think.

"I truly missed you," He said into my hair.

I giggled and kissed his cheek. "I missed you too but let's get in the car. I wanna see the boys!!"

"You rather see some random guys over me? Well then...." He gave me the hand and made a fake hurt expression while putting his other hand over his heart.

We both knew he can't stay mad at me for long so we started bursting into laughing. I couldn't help it at all. Once we calmed down I grabbed my bag and raced him out to the car. Sadly, he won but the winner had to carry the loser around the hotel so I guess I'm the winner in the end. We got into the car and the ride was so looooooong. I litterally wanted to kill myself because the heat here was killing me. And then just how silent the ride was.

The minute we arrived I jumped out the car and kissed the ground. Like seriously I kissed the ground. I wiped my tongue quickly because I had gotten dirt in my mouth. Then I heard a mix of laughs that I have never heard in person before. I looked up to see about nine boys staring at me and I quickly jumped up and wiped off my clothes.

"I didn't know a girl was gonna be joining us," Brent, I think it was, said.

"What? Can't handle a girl being with eleven boys or so? Because I can tell you now try anything against me and I will make sure you guys wont have a future that involves children in it." I smirked.

Cam then came around over to us with a bunch of bags in his hands. "Ignore her. At least that's what I do. She acts like that alot because she's used to being around just boys."

They nodded.

I smiled, "I'm Sara and this is Cam. Cam if you didn't know that is Nash, Matt, Jack Johnson, Brent, Taylor, Carter, JC, Jack Gilinsky, Hayes, Aaron and Shawn."

They looked stunned that I knew their names. I just shrugged and took my bags into the hotel then went over to the elevator. I pushed the button and went up to the floor. Cam had told me the room numbers and floor. Him, Nash, Taylor and I are sharing a room. That should be so much fun. Not.

Im stuck in the loudest room possible. I chose mine and Cam's bed. It was the one closest to the window and then I put my stuff in my drawers and made sure there was room for Cam's and the others. I sat on the bed and within fifteen minutes the boy finally came up. Six of them had a bag that was most likely one of Cam's since he packed for like four months.

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