For Alana (Cameron Dallas)

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*Your Pov*

English. The one class I dreaded the most.

I dont see why we take it. I mean we all speak english and we have dictionaries if we wanna know how to spell.

The only good thing about this class was him. Him as in Cameron Dallas.Ive had the hugest crush on him for the longest time.  Ive always wanted to tell him but I have no idea how too.

I honestly should be paying attention right now but I was to busy thinking about Cam. Plus she was just handing out some new project. We had to work on some writing thing. So she was just calling out names.

I was so out of of it that I don't even know who my partner is. I guess she or he will just come over once they have gathered their things. Projects like these always ends up with my partner being lazy and always having "plans" the day of working on it and I'm stuck on doing it by myself. Then we both get the good grade and once this girl got a better grade because she wasn't nervous with presenting it. I swear these teachers are unfair. I just tapped my pencil waiting.

"Umm....hey we're partners," some guy said. 

I could already tell he was gonna leave me to do it by myself. 

"Yeah well you can just g-...." I stopped myself once I looked up and noticed it was Cameron Dallas.

He looked confused and I couldn't form my words anymore I was too much in shock.

"You okay?" He asked.

I nodded. "Umm....yeah. Just I usually get stick with the stuck-up rude kids is all."

"Oh. Well do you wanna come to my house? You know to work on the project?" He seemed nervous. Cameron Dallas was never the nervous type when talking so this confused.

"Sure. If you don't mind?" I was gathering my things since class was ending.

"Alright well just meet me at my car then?"

I nodded with a smile. Right then the bell rung and everyone filed out the door. Luckily English was my last period of the day. I went over to my locker and put away all the books I didn't need then I walked out the school over to the parking lot. I saw Cam leaning against his car and was about to walk over until some blonde bimbo walked over to him. I hid behind a car and listened to their conversation.

"Hey Cam wanna hang out today?" She said while twirling her hair.

"Can't. I gotta work on a project. If I don't pass this then I will fail the semester."

"Come on Cambear. Can't that geek handle it all on her own?" She was now leaning up against him.

"First her name is Alana and second no. I'm not gonna just ditch her. It's a teamwork grade so please just go. Maybe another time." Aww he was trying to be so polite. Of course that ticked her off.

"Fine! I'll just go see if Carter or Brent wants to hang out. Loser," She barely mumbled the "loser" part. 

Once she was gone I went over to him and smiled. We got in and were off to his house. Once we got there we went upstairs to his room. He had a really nice room honestly. It was clean unlike most boys rooms. I was kinda surprised by that. We sat on his bed and started to look up some stuff.

Half an hour later we still only had down a title and three sites. Supposedly we are suppose to find some songs that have a meaning to our lives and then write the lines that mean the most to us. Then describe how and why those lyrics mean the most to us.

Cam looked at me and said, "Your lips are calling me, Like they wanna do something,I feel the chemistry".

I looked at him confused and then he kissed me. I kissed him back and we sat there kissing for a few seconds but seemed like forever. Then he whispered, "Are you gonna kiss and tell?" 

I shook my head with a smile as his smile grew but then I pulled away and realized I couldn't do this.

"Cam, I'm sorry but I can't. I have a really big crush on you and I just....just can't have you playing with my heart is what I'm trying to say I guess." I sighed looking down.

"Alana I'm not gonna hurt you. I like you alot. I have for a while but kinda always thought you were too good for me. And that you could find someone better so I just never said anything." 


"Yeah. But hey how about I take you out this morning and see where it takes us?" He smiled and held my hand in his hands.

"Yeah I'd like that." I kissed his cheek.

"Now let's get back to this project or there wont be a date." I smirked then threw a marshmallow at him.

Of course he would catch it in his mouth. I shook my head laughing and just refocused onto the project. The least to say, we didn't finish the project until the day after our date which went perfect considering we went to a fair. He truly made it special and won me a bear. I definitely felt like his princess.

Sorry for the shortness. Probably gonna make some shorter than others just so they'll get done quicker. So if one's shorter than another I'm sorry once I'm done with all requests maybe I'll go back and add more but that's once all are done so yeah.(:

Dedication: aes061


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