For Makayla (Cameron Dallas)

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For: Camsbbygrl (outfit on top :) )

*Your POV*

Today was my birthday.

I was so excited because my boyfriend of a year told me he had something planned for us and our friends. Though for the first half of today I would be spending it with my family then afterwards with my boyfriend and our friends. My parents agreed to allowing me to go out with them just as long as before we leave we do cake so everyone is all in one place considering we would probably come back home late.

After eating breakfast, I changed into one of my boyfriend's sweaters before pulling on my yoga pants then headed back downstairs to have a nice little movie day with my parents and some cousins who came over. I didn't have much of a big family but when it came to birthday parties, we all gathered together. My cousins just so happened to arrive here first and the five of us just chilled in the living room watching movies while our parents spoke in the kitchen gathering together the food.

Three hours later, and halfway through the second movie, more relatives begun showing up, including both set of my grandparents, which I am very grateful for having all four of them still alive and able to be here with me today. As they get older and older I get more grateful and grateful because they truly mean the world to me and I just love seeing their happy faces. It makes me smile.

But I went over and said hi before getting my younger cousins to join me in the living room and continued watching the movie with my four older cousins. Forgetting I had my phone in my sweater pocket, the vibration scared me when I felt it across my stomach until I realized what it was then pulled it out to see I had three texts from my amazing boyfriend.

From: Cambear
Hey, you awake yet sleepy head?

Makaylaaaaaaaa answer meeeee! Please?!

Babygirl are you mad at me? I'm sorry. I just wanted to see if you were awake to know what time to pick you up at.

I chuckled realizing he literally gave me no chance to respond at all but nonetheless texted him back but not without a little teasing.

To: Cambear
Yes I am awake. But you literally gave me no chance to answer back during those last two messages, just so you realize that. Plus you're one to speak.

From: Cambear

But seriously when should I pick you up?

To: Cambear
Were you waiting for my reply?

From: Cambear

But answer my question!

To: Cambear
My mom said around 4.

From: Cambear
Alright babygirl see you then. I love you.

Did I mention that I am dating Cameron Dallas?


Well I am.

And he is truly the most amazing boyfriend possible. I mean sure we have only been dating for a year but he truly has made such a bigger impact on my life than most have. My mom noticed a change in me the most, a good change, and she just adored Cam for that. My dad was a bit iffy on me dating a guy who's a year old but after a few months he warmed up to Cam and saw how much Cam truly does care about me.

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