For Adia (Nash Grier)

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*Adia's/Your Pov*

I was walking to biology, my last class of the day, with my boyfriend Nash. Nash and I have been dating for a couple of months. He asked me out over this past summer when the boys and I were pulling an all nighter. Some people find it weird that I have 11 best guy friends, and Im dating one of them, but I dont.

When we were almost there I noticed I forgot my book in my locker. I told him I was gonna go to my locker and he can go on to class. I ran down a few halls and got to my locker.

I quickly took my book out and was about to close it until someone slammed it. That frightened me so I was about to walk away but someone got a tight grip on my wrist and pushed me against my locker.

"Where do you think you're going?" Brian, my ex, said in a harsh tone.

"I'm going back to my class now let go of me!" I tried to get out of his grip.

Bad idea. He slapped me. Really hard might I had. I could feel it start to bruise and swell up.

"I don't think so. We have some unfinished business." He knocked my book out of my hands and I went to pick it up. Again another bad idea. He pinned my wrists against the lockers and kneed me. I was on the verge of crying.

"Aww is the little weakling about to cry?" He mocked.

"Brian theres nothing left between us!! Just leave me alone!"

"Thats where your wrong sweetcheeks. You still owe me.something you never gave me. And I sure am gonna be the first to take it from you." He whispered the left part in my ear.

"You can't! Someone already took it."

"Who's that?"

I debated on whether I should tell him or not. I mean if I tell him Nash hes gonna be angry but if I scream it loud enough Nash might be able to help me. And if I don't he's gonna be mad that I lied to him. I took a deep breath and decided.

"Nash!!!" I basically yelled.

"Nash who??"

"Nash Grier!!!! My boyfriend!" I yelled Nash's name a bit louder.

Brian caught on to what I was doing and then punched me. I thought he was gonna be aiming for my face so I ducked. Instead he was aiming for my stomach and I got a black eye from that.

"Hey!! Put her down!!!" A voice said. I knew that voice. I was so happy to hear his voice.

"Why should I?" Brian asked obly turning his head.

"Because I'm her boyfriend and I said so." Nash said.

That seemed to catch his attention. He dropped me and then I heard people running towards me. Only thing is I was slowly starting to lose consiciousness.

"Adia you alright? Stay awake." Cam, I think, said.

"Adia you have to stay awake just look at me." I tried to keep my eyes open and saw Aaron, Cam and Taylor infront of me. I could hear faint voices of the others in the background.

"Adia!! Adia!!! Stay awake!" Cam said.

"Nash!! Get over here quick!!! This is serious!" Cam and Aaron yelled.

I heard footsteps then someone said, "Just bring her to the car. I'll get Nash. Just hurry."


I knew it was Hayes who said it. He truly cared for me and when I was hurt he was always the one to get Nash for me. Everything was soon fading away. I felt someone pick me up and whisper, "It's okay Adia. We got you. You're gonna be okay."

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