My Dream With Taylor Caniff

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So real quick. Im not really a Taylor girl. I mean I love them all but I prefer Aaron. So when I had this dream last night it was odd. And most of these people listed are people I know from school and yeah.......

I was sitting in my middle school choir room but yet my high school choir teacher Mr.Coombs was teaching us. Then I got a strange feeling.

So, I walked out the side door of my elementary school to go onto the black top. And right there was Taylor Caniff. This was so odd. I saw him and some girl holding bags of glow sticks and stuff people usually hand out on the 4th of July.

But weirdest part is I had three bandanas in my hand; one blue one and two yellow. I walked over to Taylor and handed them to him. "Here I found some extras," I said.

He smiled. "Thanks."

I smiled and nodded. He walked away with a wave.Then noticed him and the older girl were carrying alot of bags. I walked over to them and asked, "Do you need any help?"

"Yes please," the woman said.

I grabbed one of the bags and started helping her out. As we were walking along I saw Taylor trip and he spilt a huge bag of glow sticks. Then little kids just ran over picking them up. I went over and helped him up.

Once I helped him up I gave him one of my bags. We walked around handing the things out. We finished giving them out and walked along the fence just talking.

Then two girls Ive hated since 7th grade came up named Jordan and Lexi. They basically tried flirting with Taylor but he didnt have any of it. They kept telling him to leave a loser like me and go with them. Instead he just walked into the building.

I sat against the fence and just watched everyone and everything. Then I looked at my watch and saw I was three minutes late to class. I got up and ran to the door but of course I had to bump into Taylor. I apologized to him and ran to my choir room.

Then all of a sudden I was walking in the hallway with my friends. Taylor came up and gave me a hug out of the blue. I hugged him back and saw he was about to say something but had to go into the gym and we went separate ways.

There was no room left so my friends and I sat against the wall that was behind the hoop. I had to ducked about three times because of the basketball being aimed poorly.

It was close to the end of the game and I was looking throughout thw crowd for Taylor. Then out of nowhere I heard everyone shouting "look out"s and "heads up"s. I was too late to find out what they were talking bout because Taylor had came up right infront of me catching the ball. He passed the ball back into the game then turned to me. He opened his mouth to say something then........

I woke up. :(

So thats a dream I litterally had last night. I have no idea what it means. I didnt watch any of his videos or any videos he was in yesterday so I dont understand why that happened. If you can understand the meaning of dreams then please comment what this meant.

Otherwise check out my Aaron Carpenter story(:

Plus Ill be updating more imagines today for sure. Since I have no school. Lucky me(:

lol but yeah help me find out what this meant, check out my Aaron Carpenter story and ill be posting later on!

And thanks for over 1K reads in 5 Days!!!! Youre all amazing(:


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