For Cassie (Hayes Grier)

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italics - Flashback

Plus song on the side is for towards the ending youll find out when(:

*Your Pov*

Last night was the worse night that could possibly ever happen. Hayes, my boyfriend or maybe ex-boyfriend, and I had gotten into a huge fight. 

Hayes and I were cuddling on the couch. I noticed he was on his phone alot lately so I decided to look up at him and ask him who he was texting. At first he said he was texting Nash and Cam but that doesn't work because he told me they were at the movies which isn't even halfway over it. So I asked again and he replied back with "Why does it matter?"

I sat up. "Because I want to know who you are texting! I'm your girlfriend I'm pretty sure I can know who my own boyfriend is texting."

"It's no one plus you secretively text Aaron and Brent all the time. So if you are gonna accuse anyone of cheating you better accuse yourself." He said calmly.

"Who said anything about cheating?! I never said you were cheating. But now I think you are."

"Oh come on we all know you have a thing for Brent. So just give it up. We know you two are dating!"

"Hayes! Do you hear yourself?! I am dating you!!! Did you forget that Brent has a girlfriend? And Aaron doesn't want one?!"

"Oh and who mentioned Aaron?" He stood up crossing his arms.

"Know what I'm not arguing with you about this. Just tell me who you are texting."

"I'm texting my girlfriend."

"Wait. What." I was a bit taken back.

"Yeah you heard me. MY GIRLFRIEND. Who is NOT You!" I could feel tears starting to form and I had no idea on why he would do this to me.

"So while I was texting Aaron and Brent for a CHRISTMAS GIFT TO GET FOR YOU!!! You've been busy dating another girl? Great to know. Get out of my house now!"


He grabbed his jacket and walked out my house slamming his door. I ran upstairs to my room and just laid on my bed crying into the pillow. I hated how much I love him. Yes. LOVE. I still love him even after he's doing this to me. I can't believe this. 

I can't believe that all happened. I was sitting in math class just working on some worksheet she has given us. I can't even focus because for all I know Hayes could be with that other girl of his right now. I mean who could she be? What does she have that I don't have? I mean is she prettier? Is she shorter? Is she funnier? There's so many possiblities that I just wish I knew what was the reason.

The bell soon rung and I got up heading to lunch. Usually I sat with Hayes, Nash and the others boy today I guess I am alone. I sat at some random table not even bothering eating my lunch. I felt sick to my stomach. I just wish I knew what she had that I didn't. 

Then out of nowhere Matt, Taylor and Carter all came and sat at the table with me. I was a bit confused but once Taylor hugged me I knew that Hayes must've told them about the argument. I hugged him back then went back to picking at my food.

"You alright Case?" Taylor asked.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"You do know we knew nothing bout his other girlfriend right?"

"Yeah I know. It just hurts. He was my best friend and plus my first boyfriend here. So it hurts knowing that not only was he cheating but also that our friendship could be ruined now. I just don't know what I did wrong." I started to cry. Matt and Carter got out their seats and came over to me. All three of them hugged me. I couldn't help but cry right now. I heard footsteps and looked up to Shawn who opened his arms and I immediately hugged him.

Now all four boys were giving me a huge hug in the middle of the lunchroom while I cried my eyes out. Yup so normal for a 13 year old girl to be crying over her cheating 13 year old boyfriend then have her friends hug her randomly in the middle of lunch. Then I heard a gasp and I looked up a bit to hear music playing. Then the one song I knew meant a lot to Hayes and I.

You're my sunshine after the rain

You're the cure against my fear and my pain

Cause I'm losing my mind when you're not around

It's all (It's all) It's all because of you 

I saw Hayes standing there with a rose.

I walked over to him, well more like being pushed towards him because I didn't know if I should forgive him or not. But I mean he must be sorry if he has done this. I stood a few feet away from him. He started walking closer but I gave him a warning look.

He held his hands up in surrender with a small smile. "Alright I understand that you're mad at me but Cassie I am sorry. I shouldn't have accused you of cheating. I was an idiot. I should have trusted you and remembered that you love me and I love you too. I know cheating on you doesn't prove that but I truly do love you. If you accept this rose and allow me to take you to the dance this Friday night I promise I will make it like a fairy tale. Because I can't stop staring into your beautiful blue eyes that has pieces of green and gold in them. I can't stop picturing us cuddling and me stroking your beautiful blonde hair. I can't stop hearing your beautiful voice singing. Most of all I can't stop seeing you everywhere I go. Please take me back?"

I smiled and soon enough the lunch room "awed" and then started chanting "say yes! Say yes!". Of course I was gonna say yes. I'm glad I did too though. I mean yeah he made a mistake but people make mistakes and learn from them which is what he had done.

Hope you liked it(: Honestly it may get off topic at certain parts I get distract very very easily. And with the last day of Carter tweeting and Aaron tweeting and the whole sitituation with both of them and YouNow. And just I had a long day trying to make them smile. Plus I was kinda busy watching the boys dance to "Talk Dirty" at Magcon on youtube then watching Carter dance to "You're A Jerk". Let's just say when it comes to Carter, Taylor and Aaron I get distracted super easily. But yeah hope you liked this alot(:

Dedication: CassiePepper


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