For HoneyCocainexx (Taylor Caniff)

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*Lexi/Your Pov*

Today was the day. It's the day I graduate. I couldn't believe that my high school years are over. This is just insane how just four years ago I met my bestfriends Cam, Nash, Matt, Jordan, Natalie, and Amanda. Now we are all graduating and going our separate ways. There is actually one person I failed to mention though. 

Taylor Caniff. 

My on/off again boyfriend. He has cheated on me a few times but I love him so I had to give in. I couldn't just not live without him. I cried for weeks and almost miss school because I was so heartbroken. As of now we are dating. We have been dating for the last four months and they have gone good. I don't want to jinx anything yet though because he means the world to me and I just don't know.

Anyways, I changed into my white asymmetrical one shoulder shirt and a pair of jeans that were partially ripped at the knees. Then I put on my graduation gown and put on my black converse. I decided to skip breakfast today just because I will be able to eat at the school and I don't want to get this gown dirty.

I ran out the house and went to the car where Natalie, Nash, Matt were waiting for me. Did I forget to mention that Natalie and Matt are dating? They have been for the last month or so. But hey as long as they are both happy and if they do break up it is on good terms then I will be fine because I can not choose between two of my bestest friends that is just wrong. 

"Hey guys! Are you excited to finally be graduating?" I asked them. But more like I was asking Nash since Natalia and Matt were to busy making out.

"Of course! But I am gonna miss all the memories we have had here," he answered with.

"Who wouldn't?"

"That's a good point"

I sighed and turned on the radio. Nash and I never really did have the feeling when it comes to conversations. But we do try to talk to each other. I sat back in the passenger seat as Nash continued to drive. I slowly drifted to sleep. 

At The School ~ Graduation Time 

It was finally time. The only weird thing is that I have yet to see Taylor anywhere. The last four months he has been attached to my side and now all of a sudden I don't see him at all today? That just is not right. I wonder where he could be at. I shrugged it off and got in line. I was right in between Nash and Amanda. We went and took our seats.

It wasn't too long until the principle came out and gave a speech about everything. After about twenty maybe thirty minute it finally got to the point of getting the graduation going. When all my friends ( Cam, Matt, and Aaron) got onto the stage Nash, Amanda and I would stand and clap. Well they would but I'd be taking pictures. The weird part is that Taylor never came when his name was called. I really hope he wasn't sick. I thought that he was just running late which he probably was so I shrugged the thought off again.

Soon they got to the G's but they skipped over me when they were calling names. Nash even gave me a weird look and I just looked at him. It was like we were talking with our minds and it is just so weird. Once they were done calling everyone I was about to go until the prinicple spoke up.

"As you can see that we did not call one of our students. That is because she was voted to be valedictorian. So Lexi Guresso please come on up," she said. I stood up and headed towards the stage.

I took a deep breath and said, "Umm....well hi everyone. I honestly was not expecting this especially since as you can tell that I didn't even have a speech ready. But I guess I will just say that as you move on into the future don't forget about your past. Don't forget about the ones who helped you get here. Your teachers, friends, guidance conselors and so many more people. These people are a part of your life whether you like it or not. They have helped you shape into the life and I just want to say to savor these moments. You never know maybe one day you will be working or even with the person right next to you. This year was our year. Once we're gone. We are gone for good and we won't be able to come back. We have to keep moving forward. Our hearts will always be here. In our home and nobody can tag that because we are each other family whether you like everyone here or not that's family. And I just want to thank you guys for voting me as valedictorian. This means the world to me. I couldn't be anymore happier and I am proud to say I am from here because this is where all my memories with my family has been and I can't wait to explore the world and make even more memories. This is your life. But just remember this time. This time right here is ours. Thank you again."

With that I walked off stage with my dipolma and as soon as I got back to my seat I heard clapping. I smiled hugging Nash and Amanda back. I sat down with a few tears falling from happiness. The principle was talking about some stuff and I wasn't even paying attention. I nudged Nash's arm and whispered, "I wish Taylor was here to hear my speech."

"I know Lex.....I know but it must have been a good reason to why he missed it," he replied with.

"Yeah probably cheating on me again....."

"I dont think so"

"And why not?" I asked him with a serious look. He was about to speak but then a different voice spoke. 

"Can Lexi Guresso please come back up onto the stage," said my oh so wonderful principle (note sarcasm). I got up and went onto the stage a bit hesitatant. I stood there as she walked off the stage and I was just so confused. And everyone else in the auidence and crowd must have been confused too because I had lots of whispers. 

But then one voice stood out. One voice over all voices. The one voice I have learned to hear over everyone else.

It was Taylor. 

But where was he is the question. I looked in every direction then he came out from somewhere with a mic in his hand.

He walked over to me but was looking out at the crowd. "I am so sorry I am late everyone. I know I am extremely late but I had to come late," then he turned to me and I couldn't help but smile as he continued, "because of this beautiful girl. You have the most beautiful hazel eyes and soft dark brown hair. Lexi I know I have screwed up in the past before many many times but you are the one for me. You are the only one who knows how to cheer me up and make me smile. You're the only girl who I can cuddle with and watch movies all day with. You are perfect. There is so many reasons why you are perfect to me. We have had so many great memories that I want to continue with them. I love you with all my heart. I will go through anything to keep you safe. To make you feel safe and to show you that you are safe with me. That I will never in a million years ever hurt you again. If you give me one chance to prove all of this to you with a lifetime of chances I promise you won't regert this one chance. Because I wont need a lifetime of chances. Basically what I am trying to say is......"

That's when he stopped talking and everyone gasped as he got down on one knee with a small ring box in his hand. 

He then said those small few words that would change any girl's world.

"Lexi Guresso, will you do the honor in being my wife? Will you marry me and let me love you forever?"

All I could do was nod and hug him as he stood up. Throughout the crowd all you could hear is "awws" and "congrats". I kissed him and then he places the beautiful ring on my finger. This was just perfect. I graduated and am now able to marry the guy of my dreams. 

I am glad that I went through with marrying Taylor. He really meant what he said five years ago when he first proposed. And now we have two beautiful kids and he is a great dad. He is a natural and I see that everyone who warned me about him was wrong all this time. Taylor is an amazing dad. An amazing husband. And most importantly.

Amazingly mine. 

Sorry if this isn't the best I honestly tried but my brain is a bit fried. Writing the speech was really hard and I tried my best but I hope you love it!!(:

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