For Asia/Asiana (Shawn Mendes)

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Any twitter names used in here I completely made up. If there are any with these usernames then it is just a coincidence. Enjoy(:

*Asia's/Your Pov*

I was sitting on my bed just scrolling through my mentions on twitter. They were really buzzing right now for some reason. Some tweets were most girls just fangirling over something. Any tweets I found didn't explain what was going on.

I sighed and sent out a tweet saying:

Whats going on? Can anyone tell me whats so big?

Within minutes I got a bunch of tweets sent at me. I read a few of them.

@asiasangels16 : how dont you know? This is all completely bout you

@magconboyslove : look under this hashtag " #ShawnCollabWith "

@shawnmendesbabe : look at @ShawnnMendes recent tweets(: Hope it helps you out

I quickly replied to the last tweet saying:

Thank you @shawnmendesbabe (: xo

I typed up "ShawnnMendes" in the search bar. His twitter immediately popped up. I clicked on it and scrolled through his feed and started to read some of his tweets.

5 Mins Ago @ShawnnMendes : keep tweeting #ShawnCollabWith I see alot of the same person

12 Mins Ago @ShawnnMendes : seeing some amazing people to tweet with

25 Mins Ago @ShawnnMendes : looking for people to collab with so #ShawnCollabWith

27 Mins Ago @ShawnnMendes : good news posting soon!!!(:

So he's looking for people to collab with. Interesting. I just went onto my youtube and read through my comments. Alot were saying I should collab with Shawn. Thats when I went back onto twitter.

10 Seconds Ago @ShawnnMendes : someone.please tell her to follow me so we can dm

1 Min Ago @ShawnnMendes : so I guess you all made youre decision. Im gonna TRY to get her to collab with me.

Right then I got a bunch of tweets saying to follow him. I thought about it then finally did. Moments after doing that I got a dm.

Hey Im Shawn and was wondering if youd like to sing with me in a video?

Yeah sure. But you know I can sing?

Maybe because I watch your videos??(:

Aww thats so sweet. But hey when should we meet up?

Umm.....just give me.your number and we can text bout it(:

I smiled and gave it to him. I got off my laptop just as my phone lit up. Shawn and I planned that we were gonna meet up next week since I have to fly out there and everything. But even once we were done talking about that we just......talked.

~6 Days Later~

I arrived to Pickering, Ontario a day early. Shawn gave me his address a few days ago so hey! Why not surprise him?

First thing I did though was change right after I got off the plane. I dedcied on wearing my white jersey tanktop with my black blazer and my brown leather pants paired with brown-tannish leather boots. I also had put on my forever new lorisa beret and my red and white caramelo printed shawl. I just left my hair curly because I was just really lazy.

But soon I got a cab and gave them.the address. It was only like a forty-five minute drive. I paid the driver and grabbed my two bags.

Walking up the porch steps made me even more nervous. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. I heard a voice then some footsteps. I took in my surroundings while waiting. Then I heard a click which scared me.

"Hey you're Asia right?" Shawn asked. He looked tired as if he just woke up but its past noon. I shrugged it off.

"Yup. And you're Shawn?"

" The one and only. Come on in. Wasn't expecting you till tomorrow."

"Yeah well I got an early flight I guess." I smiled.

"Well follow me then."

I nodded and got up. Going to pick up my bags Shawn did it. I smiled and mumbled a small thank you. We walked over to his room.

"So......I like your hair. Its really cool. The dip dyed red really mixes well with your dark brown hair." He said while sitting on his bed.

I sat next to him. "Thanks but how did you know that?"

"My girl friends talk alot bout hair so I just catch on easily."

"Oh.....well I like your eyes."

"Thanks. Most people dont for some.odd reason," said Shawn while looking down.

I was about to say something but then he brought up the video. We decided on singing the song "Say Something" because it just really suited our voices.

After that we just hung out. I was really glad I took this offer for a collab. Now I have an amazing new friend. I thought for a moment then realized that Im in Canada with some random youtube guybwho aaked me to come over off the internet.

My mom allowed me to go probablg to get me out the house. I shrugged and continued watching movies cuddling with my new bestfriend Shawn. Pretty soon I was out like a light.

Hope you like this(: Ive beeb extremely tired lately especially with me going to Orlando from the 17-21 but im driving so ill be leaving on the 16th. I may or may not be updating dont know yet but I really hope you liked this Asia(:

Dedication: AngelaxxAsiana


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