"Peter, what are you-"

"Can we go outside?" Peter's voice broke as he asked me. I didn't want to. Outside was where bad things happened at parties. But I went anyway. I knew it was inevitable.

"I-I," I stuttered.

"Jemma, I think we need to break up," Peter bluntly stated. His eyes filled with tears and every second they threatened to spill out.


"No, Jemma." His voice was quiet and uneven like he was trying not to cry. "I've ignored the flirting between you two. The duets and dancing and you've even been on a fricking date. More than one from what I've heard. I love you, Jemma. But you're just not happy with me. Goodbye."

"Peter, wait!" I shouted, my voice cracking like a twelve year old boy. He stopped in his tracks without turning around. "Can I at least have a hug before you leave?"

Peter came over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He pressed his lips to my ear and whispered, "Please know I don't hate you. I'm doing this because I love you so much I can't keep you. Keeping you would just be selfish."

"I know."

I ran inside after that. I ran over to Henry; he was sitting in a chair all alone at the table. I flung myself in his arms because I needed my best friend. That's all.

"Jemma," he sighed, rubbing my back, "do you want to talk or just sit here making a bit of a scene?"

"Mmm." I couldn't word so I tapped on his leg. Talk. Can we go somewhere else?

"Yeah. Of course. Come on," Henry smiled, taking my hand. We went to a little hallway that led to classrooms in the church. No one was supposed to be back there so the lights were off, but I liked it. Henry and I sat on the floor with his arms around me.

"Can I tell you a story while you wait for words to return to your mind?" Henry asked gently. I nodded. "Well, once upon a time-"

"Peter dumped me," I blurted out. With those words, Henry held me tighter and I could not have asked for a better comfort.

"Jemma, I'm sorry," he said, kissing the top of my head.

"He," I began before my voice broke, "he said I was too in love with Beatrix to love him."

"Well are you in love with Beatrix?" Henry questioned. His voice was sweet and loving like David's always was.

"No!" I immediately responded. "Maybe? I don't know! I haven't thought about it."

"Its okay, Jemma. You don't have to. Now do you wanna leave?"

"No. Its my dad's wedding. I'll just go sit and not move until I leave," I half- joked.

"Come on."

Henry stood up, then helped me to my feet before we walked back into the reception. Beatrix couldn't be found- she was probably with Peter. Wanda and Vision were dancing along with my parents, Bucky and Bonnie, and Tony and Pepper. Other unidentifiable faces that I'm sure knew one of my parents were there also. Then the cake thing happened. I had a peice; it was obviously not Bonnie's and honestly kinda gross.

I sat quietly at the table when Clint surprised Natasha with a "brother-sister" dance in place of a father-daughter dance. I sat quietly during the bouquet and garter tosses, which Bonnie and Bucky got respectively. I sat quietly through their dance. I sat quietly, picking at that disgusting peice of cake until Henry grabbed my hand and told me it was time to leave.

But we didn't leave. We went to a car where Steve and Tasha were waiting. They leaned against the car, kissing a lot.

"What's up, kid?" Steve beamed as I approached. He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed the life out of me. The perfect bear hug.

"You okay?" Natasha asked. I shook my head and refused to let go of my dad.

Henry mumbled some things. I'm not sure if I couldn't understand or if I just didn't want to. Either way, his words fizzled to nothing in my ears. A small, cold hand grabbed mine. Natasha. I turned to face her slightly, but I clung to my father like a toddler on the first day of preschool. Shakily, I took a final breath before pulling away.

"Have a good time in your surprise place. I'll give you updates on Beatrix and the baby, and I promise to throw some apartment destroying parties while you're gone," I sniffled.

"Okay. Are you gonna be okay, Jemma?" Steve asked.

"Yeah. Of course. I have Henry."

"Well, goodbye then," he sighed, giving me one last hug.

"Bye. Be safe. Love you!"

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