26. Peter

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A quiet Saturday evening. I had the house to myself because May was out with he-who-shall-not-be-named. Well, Bea was staying with me for a bit. May insisted that Bea live with us while she was taking a break from her parents. Anyways, my quiet Saturday night was interrupted by an aggravated knock at the door. I found a very angry mother on the other side.

"Come on." Jane pulled my into the hall by my earlobe.

Oh no, oh no. My heart leapt out of my chest as the mother of my ex, who happened to be pregnant with my child, beaconed me into a dark and unforgiving hallway.

"Mrs. Foster, I-I-I..." I seemed to be caught on the same word. Actually it was more of a letter.

"Stop." She held up a hand which shut me up. "Do you care for my daughter?"

"W-what?" Despite my many battles against super villains and other heroes, facing an angry mother was not one that I could win.

"Do you care for my daughter?" she repeated in a blank voice.

"Yes ma'am. She's my best friend." I managed not to stutter.

"Do you want her to be happy? To prosper in life?" Her voice was still the stern monotone of disappointment.

"Of course, ma'am," I answered.

"Then why do you want to keep the baby?" Her voice was no longer stern, more... Sad.

"Well, it's my child and-"

"Are you carrying that baby around in your body? Will you be raising that child every moment of your life, for the rest of it?"

"I may not be carrying the baby, but I am its father. I want to be able to raise it," I said and added, "ma'am."

"Peter," Jane's voice was soft as she began to speak, like the one she used when I was stressed with finals or another intimidating opponent. "Bea is not ready to have a child, and I don't know if she ever will be, honestly."

"But I am."

"Peter. You're seventeen years old. You have a life to live. Both you and Bea will be out fighting the bad guys, and that's great, but what about the baby? What if something happens to either of you? What if something happens to both of you?"

"That's not going to happ-" before I could finish she shook her head and sighed:

"You can't promise me or anyone that. Not to mention the fact that having this baby will change Bea, and not in a good way. Peter, this baby won't be happy either. I know you mean well, but when something like a human life is in the picture, you need to consider everyone involved. Not just yourself. Now go back inside. I don't want May to worry."

I didn't have the heart to tell her May wasn't home, but as I slumped back inside, something hit me.

"I think I finally know what I'm doing for mt not-so-secret Santa gift," I huffed.

"Took you long enough. Who do you have?" Bea asked.

"Natasha. I really think she's gonna like this one."

"She better," Bea scoffed. "Its the night before the party. What were you going to give her?"

"An ugly Christmas sweater with a sloth on it. Do you want it?"

Bea's eyes lit up with joy. "A thousand times yes. Now what are you giving her?"

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