36. Peter

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Maybe Aunt May was right. Maybe I was making a big deal out of nothing. That still didn't waver the thought that Jemma had a thing for Bea, but I should trust my girlfriend.

I walked downstairs to her apartment and knocked on the door. Jemma answered then closed the door the second she saw me.

I sighed and raised my voice enough to be heard through the door. I knew she was listening. "Look. I know I was a complete ass earlier, but I'm sorry. I should've just believed you when you said nothing was going on. You're my girlfriend. If you say that you're not with Bea, then I believe you. I need to trust you, and this is me telling you that," I apologized.

A moment later, Jemma slipped out of her apartment, closing the door behind her. She looked at me with eyes full of forgiveness and something else that I couldn't figure out. Without warning, her icy fingers pulled me close, and she kissed me. A soft, gentle kiss that slowly got rougher. I lifted her up, and she wrapped her legs around my waist. As we kissed, I tried to go into the apartment, but she stopped me.

"Tasha is sitting on the couch, and Steve and Bucky are home. If I go back in there, its to sleep," Jemma explained.

"May has a night shift tonight," I smirked.


Gosh, my toes were freezing. Jemma had stolen the blanket in the middle of the night. She tossed and turned restlessly for the last few minutes. That's what woke me up. Suddenly, she sat up and screamed, "Who wouldn't be angry if you ate all your cereal and faked your death for three years?" After which, she laid back down and began snoring. I gingerly lifted her so that the snores would stop without waking her up. She made herself comfortable on my chest.

"Peter," she mumbled.

"Babe, you awake or just talking in your sleep again?" I chuckled.

"I don't want to be ladylike. I want to lure men to their deaths," she murmured.

Sleep talking. Of course, I thought.

"Well, that's not very nice, now is it?" I asked.

"But women are the superior race. I need to destroy all the others," Jemma muttered.

"If you destroy all the men, then I will be gone. Do you want that?" I chuckled.

"Its a sacrifice I'm willing to make for the good of the..." Her voice trailed off into a sleepy daze. Until my alarm went off at last. She shot straight up and jumped out of bed.

"Sorry. Bea has an appointment this morning. And May might kill me if you're here when she gets back," I rambled.

"I find it very odd that my dad is okay with us spending the night together, when your aunt doesn't," she laughed as she buttoned up one of my shirts.

"She just doesn't trust me completely alone with someone after Bea. I don't blame her either. I wouldn't trust me," I scoffed.

"Yeah I guess. I'm gonna head downstairs before your aunt kills me," she teased.

"Bye." Jemma ran over and quickly kissed my lips before leaving. I watched as she walked away. It was mesmerizing.

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