18. Bea

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We all knew the day was coming. It was inevitable. No one could keep a secret like this forever without dying or fleeing the country or something. At least it was Natasha that overheard what Peter, Jemma, and I were talking about. She looked worried, then made Steve go get lady things for Jemma because she was in pain and without a tampon. At least it was a real reason and not a dumb excuse so she could talk to us.

On a brisk October evening, Natasha decided that was the best place to talk to us, even though Jemma was curled up on the couch. I knew a lecture was coming. I felt it in my bones, but as she opened her mouth, all that came out was:

"Bea, what's going on?"

Ahh. Way less lecturey than I expected.

"Well, when Peter and I were together, I got pregnant but didn't know yet. Then we broke up, and I went to the Enchanted Forest. I found out there. I was stuck there for two or three weeks, but because of the different universes, six months passed for Peter. He then started dating my one true love. After this, I came back and told him and Jemma. Wanda and Henry also know, and so does my entire school, but neither my parents nor Aunt May know yet," I explained. "Any more questions


"Good. Wait, did you say yes?" I sighed.

"Unfortunately. Do you know what you want to do with this baby?" she asked.

"What do you mean?" Peter asked.

I rolled my eyes. "She means are we keeping it, or giving it up for adoption or getting rid of it. And we haven't talked about it yet. We feel like we need to tell the adults responsible for our lives before we can make a decision."

"I know its not my place to say anything, but if I were you, I would have something in mind when you tell them so. Bea, I know your father, and if you want to do anything but keep this baby, you are going to need to have an amazing argument. Thor is your dad and because you're a minor, he has final say in your decisions. I'm just trying to help right now. If you want me to stop, I will," Natasha offered.

Before I could protest that Peter and I were fine on our own, Peter smiled, "No, we appreciate your help."

Thanks, dumb human, I scoffed in my thoughts.

"Bea, maybe we should talk about this. I mean, we may want different things for this baby," Peter sighed after a moment of silence.

"Well, I want to give this baby up for adoption. I don't want this baby at all, but at the same time, I couldn't get an abortion just because. However, I know you. You want me to keep this baby because that's who you are, but I just don't think I can, Peter," I confessed.

I wasn't trying to be a butthole best friend or anything. In this case, straight up honesty was the best thing for the both of us.

"I hate to admit it, but you do know me really well. So now you're probably going to know that I fight harder than I ever have to keep this baby in my life because this is my kid," Peter retaliated. "Ultimately, if you feel that there is no way we can raise this baby together, then I kinda have to let you give it up. But in the meantime, I'm going to fight my butt off so I have even a little chance of raising this baby."

"I know I'm not really a part of this," Jemma whined as she rolled over, "but I agree with Bea right now. You both have two years of school left, will most likely have to get jobs to pay for the child, and parent this baby. For Peter, you'll have to do all of this on top of being Spiderman. Adoption seems like the logical choice for now."

Before Peter could fight back- and trust me, you could see it in his eyes- Steve came pack to the apartment, tampons, mitol, and chocolate in hand. The baby talk, therefore, fell to a stop.

Peter leaned over so he could whisper, "May's not home. I think we should still talk about this."

Yeah. We should. Because there is no way I am ready to raise a baby.

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