Chapter 13

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Violets POV


No ones here.

Zayn isn't really here you dumbass.

You really think he would come all the way down here to get someone like you? Pathetic.

My mind tormented me as I laid on my bed. The kiss felt so real, I brought my hand up to my lips and sighed. I heard my imaginary Zayn gasp and shuffle around.

"Oh my god...Violet." He whispered and I covered my ears. He's. Not. Here.

"Go away." My voice cracked and I screwed my eyes shut.

We live inside your head, where can we go?

"Leave!" I screamed and sat up in my bed holding the sides of my face tightly.

Tisk Tisk, you did something bad didn't you? You painted it out even, we are always here, following you.

"Help me!" I shouted kicking my feet. I felt Zayn's fake hands clench around my arms and I screamed again.

"No. No I won't." His voice cracking with tears and I knew he was actually here. I slowly looked up at him and I burst into tears at his broken face.

"Zayn? Are you really here?"

"Yes-" His voice cut off as he grabbed my small body in his hands and hugged me. My sobs shook my body and I fisted his hair in my hands. He kissed my hand repeatedly, his warm, plump lips against my cold, frail hands sent shivers up my spine. I lifted my head from his shoulder and he held my face inches away from his. I could feel his heart rate slow and his breathing hitch. He glanced at my lips and his tongue darted out and wetted his own. He inched closer and pushed himself to me. He kissed with such hunger and passion as I did too. His hands ran up my body and mine in his hair. He silenced my demons, making them wait and watch. He lifted me on top of his lap and my legs were around his waist while we were on the bed. I moaned against him and I could feel him becoming hard. He pulled apart and stared at me with the biggest smile.

"That was so worth the road trip down here." He chuckled and threw me over his shoulder. "Now let's get out of here." We rushed out of the cell, locked it and ran towards the hallway where he came from. He set me down once we reached the sewer line.

"That seemed easy." I commented while holding my nose.

"Not till they realise your not there." Zayn turned to me and gave me a sly smile. "That's why we are leaving the whole institute."

We are?

"Violet....will you runaway with me?" Zayn asked silently, almost so quiet I nearly didn't hear him. Where would we go? Remember this is the guy who used me, but he did rescue me. Out of the place he put you in, in the first place, my subconscious added. I don't know what to do. We can't just be strolling around in the institute, obviously. But where would we go? My thoughts jumbled together, I need time to think but I don't have the time I need.

"Zayn...I dont-"

"So it's a no." His voice hardened and he looked away.

"I just don't know right now." I played with the end of my hair nervously.

"Let's keep moving before it's sunrise." Zayns whole demure changed as he walked fast towards the exit. I jogged to keep up and we finally made it out. The sky was still dark but Zayns flashlight helped us find our way to the Rec Room. I rushed inside and the finiliar surroundings overwhelmed me. I hit the couch and Zayn was moving around so much. My eyes closed and I was out cold.


When I woke Zayn was not there. Panic flared up inside me, he couldn't just leave me, would he? I searched the whole room and found a note.


I can't be in here any longer, there's no point. You need to leave before the afternoon, they will know you escaped. Go live your life and find someone you would actually runaway with. We could've done anything we wanted. I love you even though you never loved me.

Good bye Violet.

Tears sprung into my eyes and I crumbled the note. This is all my fault. I don't want anyone else it just happened so fast. I opened a window for fresh air when I saw something. The tree in the distance...there was something hanging on the-

My heart stopped. I paled and felt myself grow weak. That something was someone. I sprinted toward the tree as fast as I could and looked up to see body of a man when a bag over his head.

"Please don't be Zayn. Please." I pleaded and tears ran down my face uncontrollably. I lifted up the shorts and saw that he did not have the wolf on his leg like Zayn did. Relief washed over me like a tidal wave. Zayn was alive and out there somewhere. And I was going to find him this time.

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