Chapter 5

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I was in my session when I thought back to last Zayn moaned my name, how we needed each other so badly. I shifted in my seat as I doodled Zayn's lean torso as he pulled his shirt off, slightly leaning back with ease. His muscles rippling under his skin and I snapped out of my thoughts when I recognized the orange hair from last night. That's the bitch who got to see all of Zayn. She used him, he also used her technically but I still felt a pang of envy and anger . What if Zayn used me? He made me think he needed me when in his eyes I was another whore to play with. Oh God. My heart beated rapidly as I felt so creeped on. But the look in his could've been fake Violet, think! Our session was over and I ran out as fast as I could. I saw Tate and I waved but continued onto my room. The last time I saw Zayn today is when I woke up in his arms. I ran into that Harry guy and dropped my notebook.

"Hey little nerd." He chuckled and watched me pick up my notebook.

"Where's Zayn." I asked sternly and he smirked. His plump pink lips slowly tugged into a smirk.

"I don't know he's probably in his hideout. Are you two fucking now?" His eyes narrowed and bent down to eye level.

"Fuck off please."

"How about no, well there's a party tonight and you should go."

"I don't really-"

"Zayn's gonna be there sweetheart."

So? But now I want to go. Great.

"I don't know where it is though.." I murmured.

"I know your room number so I'll find you." That's not creepy at all. He noticed the look on my face and laughed. "Don't worry I know every girls calm down, be ready by 8." He walked away, smacking my arse on the way and my face flushed. I rushed to my room and flew onto my bed.


I didn't know what to wear but I had a clue it was going to be a slut factory. I picked out a small black dress with a bow that covered the chest. I tugged on some fishnet leggings and red pumps matching with my red lipstick. I put dark makeup on and curled my light brown hair. A pounding on the door made me jump and I grabbed my bag and opened the door. Harry was standing there with a blue button up with white hearts and tight black skinny jeans. Damn.

"Woah honey." His eyes scanned me and he extended his arm.

"You look nice too." I smiled and linked my arm with his. I felt like I was going to a lower class prom. We got into the car waiting for us which we had to ska our ways between buildings to get out but we made it. Niall was driving and he cheered when he saw us.

"Oh shut up Niall." Harry chuckled and opened the door for me. What did I do to get him like this? Oh yea I became a slut, nearly forgot. We sat in the back and Niall and Louis in the front. Louis blasted some rock metal as we pulled up to a club looking place with neon lights. I scanned the place and Harry leaned over, resting his hand on my knee.

"Don't be scared, it's just a bar." I looked at him as he was watching my features change and I nodded. We walked up and someone was yelling that shots were on him.

"Imma bounce guys, free shots aye!" Niall cheered and left us. Louis followed Niall so it was me and Harry. I noticed stripper poles and I became very cautious. We made our way to the back and there was a dark room with a main light in the middle. I saw people in there so at least that's good. I knew pretty much no girl here except guys that all of a started liking me. Strange. I saw a black quiff in the dim light and he was laughing not noticing me. He had a woman dancing on his lap and people were howling. His eyes were closed while the stripper pleasured him. Harry noticed and dragged me out of the room.

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