Chapter 6

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I woke up to myself regurgitating last nights drinks. It was early in the morning as I was leaning over the trash can did I realise I am not in my apartment. I had a hammering headache and I saw Harry sprawled out on the ground with his curls adorably fanned out. I was still dressed in my dress so that was a good thing. I left a note even though I don't think I spelled anything right, I tried finding my room. It wasn't far even though I tripped 4 times but I made it. I tried getting my key out of my purse but I couldn't. When I did I couldn't get it in the keyhole. I began sobbing because I was too hungover to deal with this shit. Someone came out and helped me and ran inside, slamming the door. I puked a few more times but ended up falling asleep on the bathroom floor.


Someone could've dropped kicked my face and this is what I could've felt. I had nothing left to puke so I jumped into the shower. I changed into whatever what was on the top of my drawer and put my hair in a bun. Overall, at least I tried. I looked like complete shit as I stumbled over to the therapy room trying to remember where it was. My head was about to explode and I got lost. I saw Tate and called him over. He jogged over and flipped his hair.

"Hey, you weren't at the tree last night." I mentally slapped my forehead, I completely forgot. "Are you in a hangover?"

"No! Why would you think that!" I scoffed and ended up choking. He looked concerned and I managed to ask him where the therapy room is.
He directed me and I rushed over there as fast as I could without tripping. I flew open the door and the nurse hit the tray of tools and they went flying.

"Don't ever barge in here like that again!" She yelled and frantically started picking up the tools. I didn't care I but then I started to, I remembered what they did to Tate.

"Oh I am so sorry I got pushed." I apologised even though I half lied. She nodded and I sat down on the chair with weird straps. I guess there are some people here that can't sit still. I saw her throwing away some bloody rags and I started panic.

"What are you going to do?" I asked nervously.

"Oh nothing for today, we are just going to do some basic every day tests sweetie." Thank Jesus.


I ran out of the room as fast as I could, that lady was creepy as hell and she asked me a lot of questions. I went to my second session where I had to sit and pretend to listen and doodle about what was on my mind. I started drawing a body, a male figure, I intended for it to be Harry but it was Zayn, it was him at the club when I was pressed up against the wall and fury was in his eyes burning into mine. I felt someone staring at I looked up, it was the Head Mister.

"Um what?"

"I asked you if you were able to tell you experiences you've had with having anxiety attacks." He smiled.

"Well uh, they ain't fun and I could never sleep properly." I shrugged. He nodded and began talking to the rest of the class. I looked around the rest of the class and they were either sleeping, texting, talking to themselves, or actually paying attention. That same girl who got it on with Zayn was staring at me with narrow eyes. Well damn. He let us out late and I was about to explode if I had to stay under her stare for any longer.

"You are dismissed." I bolted towards the exit not caring that I shoved people. I turned a sharp corner that lead to my apartment when I bumped into Zayn.

"Jesus Christ this is the second time-," I stopped yelling when I saw Zayn staring down at me with a dark grin on his face, "oh."

"Hello dear." My eyes shifted to his hand holding another girls hand and I swallowed down the rising bile rising up in my throat. I stood up cleaning off my leg.
"Another fuck buddy?" I managed to let out a believable laugh.

"Excuse me bitch? I am not-" She piped up with her annoying high voice and I roles my eyes at her.

"I don't give a shit so save it." I silenced and walked on by. I jogged up to my room and chucked my notebook at the wall. I can't believe that bastard. He purposely did or that to get under my skin. Wait no, he just fucked everyone that had a vagina here! I walked into the the bedroom area and screamed when I saw a figure.

"Harry! How did you get in here!" I exclaimed as he was laying casually on my bed watching me with a small smile on his face. He was adorable.

"You weren't there when I woke up so I came here." He sat up and shook his hair in his hands.

"How do you look so good yet I look like shit." I joked but it was true. He looked like he didn't even drink.

"I've been doing this longer than you babe." He opened his arms and I walked over to him and sat by him. He kissed my cheek and I blushed brightly.

"You blush! I have to do that more often." He pinched my cheek and I playfully swatted his shoulder. He looked down for a moment then met my eyes.

"Are you and Tate a thing?" He asked and I shook my head. His face lit up and a wide smile spread across his lips.
"Well would you like for you and I to be a thing?" He winked and I kissed him. I felt a twinge of guilt but I was another toy in Zayn's eyes, but in Harry's I am a nice girl.

"Hey Harry?"


"Why are you here?"

He looked at me for a moment and something flashed in his eyes that I couldn't identify. "You know the group I hang with? Well we all were a gang and did some pretty bad stuff, we were going to be put in prison but our lawyer pleaded insanity and we were are here."

"Was Zayn part of your group?"

"Yea he was the head guy." Harry sighed and showed me his wrist. He had a tattoo with a swirly symbol.
"We all have it." I brushed a curl off his forehead.

"Hey wanna go out tonight?"

"How do they not know we go out of here?"

"Only you and the group knows about it so it's all good. They rarely ever check to see where everyone is but this place is huge so they can't really.."

"Okay, when should I be ready?"

"7, I'll be here." He kissed me on the forehead and walked out the door. I now need to find Tate.

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