Chapter 11

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Zayns POV

I swung open the doors and casually walked in, the counsellor eyeing me. I had a smug smirk on my lips and I stared back at everyone with a intense gaze. I felt girls' eyes running up my body and I shoved my hands in my pockets. I made my way to the back corner seat against the wall. The counsellor continued on with his lecture.
"Does anyone have any questions before we part?" He always asked and no one raised their hand. Except me.

"What happens in the Asylum?" I spoke up and it was dead quiet. People were staring at me and I let out a small chuckle.

"Well," He fixed his glasses nervously, "I am afraid that is something I am not aloud to discuss." His eyes darted to the guards at the doors and he gulped.

"Dismissed." He rushed towards a room and I slowly followed him, weaving my way through everyone trying to get out of here. He clicked in the code and the door opened, I slipped in before it could close and lock again. He walked down a hallway, wiping his palms against his dress pants. Someone's nervous. I grabbed his shoulder and pinned him against the hallway wall. He had wide eyes and he looked terrified.

"What happens in the Asylum?" I shoved my arm hard onto his throat so he knew I meant business, "And this time, you might want to answer correctly." I snarled through gritted teeth. His eyes darted around as if he sensed a third person but I already knew no one else was in here.


"Wrong answer." I shoved my arm harder and he choked. His grey eyes were hard with fear and something else I didn't recognise.

"But I can't!"

"Can." I corrected.

He sighed and he pushed me off and fixed his glasses, "Fine, but I don't know much. I've only taught down there a few times but not lately, they've become very cautious on who they let Down there."

"What do they do to the patients?"

"All I know is that they perform Malpractice."


"Basically they can torcher you all they want."

My mouth went dry and I clenched my fists, Violet is being torchered and I am not doing shit about it.

"Do you know a different way in besides the main entrance?"

He thought for a moment then spoke,
"I am pretty sure I've seen a sewer a mile or two out that runs into the Asylum on the map."

Fuck. Climbing through shit wasn't exactly what I thought I would be doing. I sprinted down the hallway and right as I reached the door, I turned around.

"Thanks." I clicked open the door and ran as fast as I could to the exit of this place. I made my way to my room first and grabbed some supplies for my lovely hike into the Asylum. Here we go.

Violet's POV

I was completely drained, literally. They had taken so much blood and my heart pumped furiously to regain the loss. It was pitch black except for the little bit of the sunset slipping through the small window. I had deep gashes and cuts running up and down my body from refusing my medication. I had whip lashes along my spine and I felt as if I was on fire with no strength to panic.

The screams and shouts of pain are making me go insane, well apparently I already am. My eyelids began heavy and I slowly drifted off to sleep.


I was standing in a meadow with butterflies flying by. I felt shocked but free at first, letting the rays of sunshine soak into my skin. I twirled around in bliss when my heart stopped. I fell to the ground and a shriek split the air. My heart hammered in my chest and a chill ran up and down my spine. A small girl walked up the hill and came into view. She was wearing a white dress with a red splatter design. I sighed in relief but then she started running towards me.

"Are you okay?" I frantically asked and walked backwards. When she was closer I saw that the so call 'splatter design' was not a design at all. She had blood soaking her dress and a small dagger in her hand. I screamed and picked myself up. She jumped onto me and thrashed around rapidly. "Help!" I screamed and saw more children running towards me. I felt her dagger drag across her own throat and her eyes turned black. She fell off of me but she stood up.

"The real question is, are you okay?" She said in a sweet voice before pushed the dagger through my stomach.


I woke up on the floor with my clothes torn leaving me in a under shirt and shorts. I wiped the sweat off my forehead and a stripe of red caught my eye, I looked over at my graffiti art and screamed as loud as I could. My girl I had painted was not covered in blood and blood everywhere with the black eyes, just like my nightmare. I was breathing rapidly and sat in the corner staring at the wall trying to regain my breath. I am turning into the people in the other cells, turning into a animal.

Zayns POV

After suffocating through my mask and trudging my way through shit, I found a door that was labeled Ward B. There was no handle so I kicked the door as hard as I could. It slid open slightly, so I backed up and ran into it hard with my shoulder.

"Fuck!" I shouted, holding my shoulder but the door was widened enough for my body to slip through. I slapped my hand over my mouth and tried to be as quiet as possible, not going so well. I turned on my flashlight and the wall paint was all chipped off, it seemed like it was a kids room almost, a nursery. A pang hit my heart but I moved on. I brushed aside the stuffed animals and toys and found another door. It creaked open and it had a long hallway. I fixed my backpack and gathered my breath deeply. I sprinted down the creep hallway and jumped over the fallen roof and walk pieces, and bursted into a older room and saw cells and cells. I'm here.

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