Chapter 9

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I shot up in my bed and was out of breath. I tried to recall what was real and not real but I needed to confirm that was all a dream. I grabbed my phone and dialed Harry.

He picked up on the 5th ring.

"Violet?" Holy morning voice.

"Harry, what happened last night?!"

"You don't remember? We drove back from the movies and you fell asleep in the car so I brought you to your room." Relief flooded over me.

"Thank Jesus. I had a nightmare sorry to bother, bye." I hung up and fell back onto my pillow. I couldn't get a minute of sleep, now I can start it all over and rethink things. One: Don't fuck Zayn. I made a mental note and my mind started to wander... His lips against mine felt so real, the way his hands worked and the things he whispered to me. His eyes held so many emotions when he looked at me that I thought he saw more in me than a innocent girl.

"I think I love you..." His voice sounded hurt and small as he called after me and he sounded honest.

"Liar." I cursed and went black, I tossed my sheets off my body and flung my door open. I ran as fast as I could across the opening, over the fence, across the dead garden and to the Rec Room. I pounded on the door and it opened. Zayn was standing there with his hair a mess and shirtless. The sun was barely rising so it was very early but I didn't care.

"You fucking liar! You suck bastard, you think you can use me!" I screamed pushing him aside and paced around.

"Woah woah Violet calm down! What are you even talking about?" Zayn was staring at me with wide eyes as I looked down at the floor, letting my hair cover my face. Tears pooled in my eyes and I inhaled deeply trying to calm myself down. I fell to the floor and put my hands to my ears.

"He doesn't love you! Silly girl."

"He wants to get in you and then

throw you away with the rest of them."

I yelled and began sobbing madly. I felt his hand on my shoulder and I smacked him away and I fell to the ground rocking back and forth.

"Shut up!" I hissed and the voices in my head disobeyed me.

"Try something, try sex out on him, he will say yes guaranteed."

"Violet!" His arms wrapped around me and his head was on mine and his body wrapped around me, rocking me. I remembered the painting on the wall I saw of me with angel wings on top of a puddle of blood. I wiggled out of his arms and rushed to the wall, frantically searching for the painting to tell me if it was actually real or not.

Zayn's POV


She got out of my grip and ran towards my graffiti wall. Her hands were roaming the wall and her eyes searching desperately for something. She saw my new painting I did last night to keep me busy from thinking of her and Harry.

"Oh my god!" She screamed and fell down on her ass, hard. My lamp fell and shattered adding to the madness. She backed away with a horrified look on her face and started looking around scared.

"Violet what's going on!" I yelled and my heart was hammering in my chest. Something happened and I needed to know. Her eyes focused on something behind me and was completely frozen. I slowly turned around to a shadow of the tree outside. She was shaking horribly and she looked so intent with whatever is was.

Her mouth opened and nonsense came out. "It's fake Violet! Focus on me! Come back to me Violet." I cried out and slowly walked towards her. She tried backing up but she was pinned against a wall. She pointed at the shadow and tears flowed out of her eyes. She all of a sudden stopped crying and a smile spread onto her face. My knees were weak and my heart was so erratic. Fear twisted my insides as a wicked glint flashed in her eyes and darkened. Her head tilted slightly and a shudder raked her body.

"They are all right behind you." She smiled demonically and I couldn't take it. I ran out of that room and kept running towards the front office. I busted in and the lady behind the desk looked like she expected it.

"Violet Harmen is in the Recreation Room and is going insane! Please help her!" I shouted and ran my fingers through my hair. She nodded and said something into a phone.

"Thank you. You may go back to your room." Her tone was still monotone and I slowly walked out to see people in uniforms rushing towards the Room in the distance. What have I done?

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