"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" By now Theresa's screaming woke Jonesy up and he was crying and screaming.

"I am sick and fucking tired of you bitching at me to take you to the Superdome! I'm not going there because all those people in there are panicking and no good can come out of niggas panicking!" Marquis said.

"Stop the car." Theresa said. "Stop the car!"

Marquis did as Theresa told and said "Get the fuck out!"

"C'mon Luis!" Theresa said. Luis looked like he didn't want to go and it was getting dark too but that was his sister so they left.

"Thank god I was sick of her elbow in my breast." Becky said.

"I wish I could say the same, you sitting in my lap." Ashley said.

"Where else am I gonna go?!" Becky said.

"Can somebody shut that baby up!" Munchie said.

"Hey love you can sit in my lap." Chris said wiggling his eyebrow.

"Shut up Chris!" Becky said.

"Of course you would want to be a pervert now!" Lanelle said.

"Pervert! Pervert! Pervert!" Kelly chanted.

"Shut the fuck up!" Marquis shouted hitting the steering wheel.
"Listen! This ain't the time to be fighting! Not everybody like each other in this bitch but right now we all we got so shut the fuck up or you can go with Luis and Theresa."

"Some of us went to sleep but Marquis and Munchie looked out.
Next morning as we were driving we started seeing different bodies." Robin said.

"What you mean?" Amir said.

"I mean they clearly did not drown. Stabbed bodies, beaten bodies, shot bodies it was, hell. Some kid jumped in front of our car and Marquis stopped. It was four of them 2 boys, 2 girls they asked if we had water Marquis debated on whether or not to share but he did him and the other boy were talking and Marquis said "We probably heading to the Superdome after our supplies run out."

The other boy said "Whoa you don't wanna go there it's bad, bad."

"What about it?" Marquis asked.

"We left that bitch! It is disgusting in there. A girl said. Niggas pissing and shitting everywhere it stink!"

And a little girl got raped last night! And a man!" The other girl said.

Yo man, there is shit and blood on the walls! The other boy said.

"Somebody baby died." One of the girls said. "And they ran out of food!"

"We lucky we got out, the national guard ain't letting nobody leave they know what's going on, them niggas don't give a fuck!" The lead boy said

One of the girls cried and said "A man climbed to the top of the dome and jumped. H-h-he said I don't have anything to live for and jumped. And I don't know where my daddy is." The other girl consoled her and the lead boy asked "Where y'all heading?"

"Well not that dome that's for sure. I guess we gonna hold up somewhere and wait this out." Marquis said.

"Good looking whodie." The lead boy said.

The groups parted ways and Becky said "Marquis we can go to Baton Rouge my cousin Katie is there we could all stay with her."

"We can all stay there? Why didn't you say anything before!?" Marquis asked.

"Because I thought we were going to the Superdome we all have been asking you we are we going? And since the Superdome is out of the question we could go the Baton Rouge." Becky said.

"Marquis spoke to Munchie and Chris about it and we basically had to turn around and go to Baton Rouge which is 80 miles away from New Orleans. We saw bodies everywhere when I tell you something happened to me where I was getting numb to it. The car broke down in Prairieville and we had to carry our survival shit and walk the rest of the way which was an 17-18 mile walk and all of our feet were sore Keisha was tired of carrying Jonesy around, Ashley's feet were so swollen, me and Kelly were crying, Munchie was getting sick he shivering, coughing we had to drop the juices he was carrying. My feet were swelling and Marquis helped me walk. It was getting dark and some old man was walking opposite us, as he was walking by he grabbed my hand and Marquis pulled me to him, the old man pulled out a knife and Chris threw the whole pack of water at him and the old man hit the ground Marquis and Chris stomped him and Marquis dropped his knife in a storm drain I cried the rest of the way to Katie's apartment she was actually scared that Becky and all the little kids got here but she let it go when she found out Marquis, Chris and Munchie looked out for all of us. We looked at the news because Katie had electricity it was like New Orleans was a part of the sea. We stayed there until FEMA realized we all existed after paying us dust for days we all went to Texas cause nobody could return to New Orleans for 2-3 months but I didn't come back for a year and a half. FEMA saying we don't need ambulances but requesting police because the French Quarter got looted, Survivors getting killed, beaten and raped, governor out here begging Bush for help meanwhile Bush still busy playing Chutes and Ladders, and that is why I will always hold a special hatred in my heart for that sorry sack of diarrhea, it's like it happened yesterday!"

"What about Red Cross? Munchie get better?" Amir asked.

Robin rolled his eyes and said "Oh please, Munchie got better 4 days later without them. Don't even get me started on Red Cross they were there but not really there, understand?"

Amir nodded "Yeah."

"Don't even say that word I get bent every time I hear it! They didn't do a thing no one was important enough to be helped. People needing insulin and dying, babies running fevers and dying and half them hoes had a attitude!" Robin said.

"Damn that accent got heavy!" Amir said.

"I do that when I get really angry." Robin said.

"What happened to everyone? Amir asked.

"Jonesy picture was on the news and some family adopted him, Chris, Becky, Marquis, Kelly and Lanelle stayed in Texas I heard. Marquis is a electrician, I owe my life to him and Chris. No one knows what happened to Luis not even Theresa knows and she got stabbed at the dome and her boyfriend died of dehydration, Keisha and D came back with me, China was only in the system cause her parents were homeless but they got her back and moved back to New Orleans, D got shot to death on Dumaine street few years ago, Munchie owns a restaurant in New Orleans with his wife. Robin sighed and said The kids back at the home died of dehydration, one drowned trying to leave. What's funny is if I went to that hell dome I would have met my mother."

"It was for the best baby would y'all have even recognized each other? Even I heard how bad it was in that dome and if you did you would have seen her overdose all that death you seen, watching your mom OD'ing wouldn't have helped." Amir said.

"I've never talked about this to anyone before, well other people in New Orleans but not anyone else. I'm glad it's behind me but I still love New Orleans, it's home." Robin said.

"Why you leave and come here?" Amir said.

"That's a story for another day." Robin said kissing Amir's lips.

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