Chapter 11: Thunder and Rain Equals to Gone

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"Wake up Mandy, because sunshine has arrived!" Dad said cheerily, while loudly clapping his hands together.

"No, I want to go back to sleep." I said, covering my eyes with my sleeping bag, trying to muffle down the noise of his clapping and to drown out all the brightness of the early day. "And did you just called me Mandy?"

"Yup, I did. Now, get up!"

"I guess now I have a new nickname. Mandy, quiet nice, I think." I sighed heavily. I rolled up my sleeping bags quickly, and crawled out of the tent. "Dad, are the others awake yet?"

"I'm not sure Mandy, but I think Mom is." he said, while folding his sleeping bag. 

"Mom?" I asked, crawling into the other tent.

"What honey?" she asked, scratching her head.

"Have James and Katie woken up yet?" I asked, and dropped my head down, facing towards James and Katie's faces. They were still sleeping peacefully. They looked so relaxed, like their faces where being massaged. Ah, I could use some massaging right now. But there is not time for that, because it's a bright new day and it's going to be a world of an adventure. "Can I wake them up now?" I asked Mom, while tapping on their foreheads lightly.

"Sure, but don't startle them." she chuckled, while climbing out of the tent.

"Jamey, Katie - watie, wake up please." I said. They didn't reply, not one bit of movement in them; this is going to take a while. "Come on guys, hurry up and finish your dreams." I wonder what they're dreaming about. What if they're dreaming about riding on a rollercoaster with a bear sitting beside them? All of a sudden, the ride stopped and they were hanging upside down. And then...

"Ugh, what is it?" James asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Come on, it's daytime already." 

"Fine." he groaned and stomped out of the tent.

"You forgot to fold your sleeping bag!" I bellowed. 

"What?" asked Katie sitting up.

"Let's go and fold your sleeping bag." I ordered, while folding James' sleeping bag.

"I don't know how to." she wailed.

"Fine, I'll do it. Now go with Mom." I said, pointing her out of the tent. I, as an older sister and sibling, have to take the responsibility of my younger siblings. I guess that EVERY older sibling have to have that responsibility. Sigh.

As I rolled up Katie's sleeping bag, I headed out the tent and walked towards our car. "Have the Sanders woken up yet?" I asked Mom.

"Yes honey and I think they're making pancakes now."

"I hear sizzles and smell a strong scent of meat."

"Well maybe they're making burgers or it could be sausages."

"In the morning?"

"You never know." she said, smiling widely. That's odd, who would want to eat sausages or burgers in the morning? I know I would, but that's just weird. Speaking of weirdness, I haven't flossed yet and my breath smells. I made a sour face.

"What's wrong?" Mom asked, while getting out the flosses and water bottles.

"I think I need to floss now and rinse." I said, still making the sour face.

"Alright Mandy, I'll do that too. After that could you please get Dad, James, and Katie for me; they need to floss too." she said, smiling.

"Sure," I said. After I was finished brushing my teeth, I searched for James, Katie, and Dad. I walked around our tent area and didn't find them there. I checked inside the tents and car and still didn't find them there.

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