Chapter 3: Didn't You Check?

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Everyone woke up at 8 in the morning, took showers, and ate breakfast. It took about 3 hours just to get out of the hotel and into the car. First of all, it was James fault. He had to use the bathroom for an hour, because his stomach was hurting after eating some strawberry yogurt. Just when we were about to leave out of the hotel, Katie cried. “Where’s Bitsy? Where’s Bitsy?” Katie asked in between her sniffles. Bitsy is her teddy bear that she got for her third birthday.

Mom said, “We can find her later dear.”

“No, I want her now!” Katie cried, as she started a tantrum.

James suggested, “Let’s find in the car.” So we looked for Bitsy in the car. And guess what? Bitsy was there sitting on Katie’s child seat wearing a seat belt. That's odd; who would've done such a thing? I didn't need another excuse for arriving at the national state park late, so I threw that thought away. 

“There you go,” I said, “now can we please leave?” Everyone agreed and we finally left.

An hour later, while Dad was driving, I asked, “Did you bring the tickets?” Dad suddenly braked the car. Oh gosh, how could he forget?

Dad asked Mom, “Did you bring it Margret?” She shook her head.

“Oh butter snap,” said Dad, shaking his head. You can guess what was next. We had to head back to the hotel and get our tickets.

“Some trip this is turning out for me.” I muttered.

We arrived back at the hotel; Dad went in and found the tickets. Then we went for another two hour drive to the Grand Canyon. After the drive of not stopping in any gas stations, we eventually arrived there.

When we went inside the gating area, an officer informed us, “I’m sorry, but the Grand Canyon is closed now. You’ll have to come back tomorrow; if you would like, you’re welcome to our gift shops.” What?! I can’t believe it's closed. That moment, I felt like crying.

“It’s closed?” Dad asked, sounding intrigued. The officer nodded. Dad explained, “This must be a misunderstanding! It can’t be closed now. We came all the way from another state.”

“Everybody has been saying that. I understand, but the Grand Canyon closes at sunset. It will be too dangerous for our visitors to explore the canyon in that way. Also you won't enjoy the place as much as if you checked the place out during the day time.” the officer says.

“Alright guys, let’s head back to the hotel.” Dad said disappointingly.

“Did you check the time Dad?” I inquired.

Dad was speechless.

“Honey, it’s all right. We’ll come back tomorrow. I just hope we’re not late.” Mom promised.

This birthday trip isn’t turning out what I expected it to be...

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