Chapter 8: O.h M.y G.osh

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^ What's up readers? ^ Sorry I haven't uploaded for a while. I've been busy.... :/ So what I have for you now is this chapter! Hope you like it, because it's going to be uh- ma- zhing and awe-suh-mm!!

*Btw, I've changed the book cover. Awe-suh-mm isn't it? ;) And...... *FIREFLIES* is the name for this song of this chapter. Oh yeah!! And so I have nothing else to say, except Enjoy!! X-D


The next early morning, just when the sun was up, we headed back on the road to Lake Pleasant. 

"Ugh," I said rubbing my eyes, "why did we leave so early?"

"We have to get back on the road." Mom sighed. "We wouldn't want to be late on our schedule again, do we?"

I shook my head in return. "Dad, how long is the ride going to be?" I asked.

"An hour," he replied abruptly.

"Great!" I exclaimed happily.

Suddenly, everyone went quiet. Just then, the car stop. I felt a sudden shock of disturbance through the back part of the car to the front part of the car. We pulled to the right side of the rode and everyone sighed.

"Great." I said joylessly. "Now what happened?"

Dad went out of the car and surveyed around the rented car while scratching his brunette hair.

Dad sighed as he entered back in the car. He said depressingly, "Two tires went flat. There was one on the right front side and the left bottom side of the car. They were completely flat."

"How?" I asked gazing outside of the window. How could that be? I mean like, isn't all these "unexpected" events enough for us? Especially for me, in this case. 

"I haven't thought of a reasonable answer." Dad said staring out of space.

Everyone sighed, but Katie sigh the loudest. She also sighed the most sarcastically, in fact. It's odd, but today feels like Sigh Day. Have you ever heard of it? I guess not. Sigh Day, in my family, is the day when everyone sighs. You might have already guessed that though.

Minutes passed by, and I suddenly heard Dad snoring. Then, Mom started snoring too. There goes Katie and James, snoring passed by me. Am I really the only one awake? Hufft...... I tried waking everyone up from their sudden sleep from gazing off. Unfortunately, I can't. 

I then realized that I could call Dad with my IPod. My IPod isn't a phone, but luckily, it can still call. I dialed his phone number's numbers and as soon as I clicked on call, his phone buzzed and rang.

Krriiinngggg  Krrrinnngggg

"Huh?" Dad said, blinking a few times.

"Someone's calling, " I said, without a giggle.

"Hello?" Dad said, not bothering to look up to see who called him.

"Hello." I said in a deep, silent voice, so he couldn't hear me.

"Who is this?" Dad asked straightly.

"Wake up" I answered.

"I don't know anybody named 'Wake Up'" Dad said to Mom silently.

"I'm sorry, but I've got to go now." Dad said in a serious tone.

"L. O .L .!" I shouted to him.

"Was that you?" He asked teasingly.

I giggled loudly and purposely, so James and Katie could wake up. "I was trying to wake you up." I said smiling evilly to Dad.

"You didn't need to do that." Dad said, getting out of the car to look over the flattened tires.

"Now what?" I asked, hoping that nothing "bad" is going to happen again. 

"Remember? Tires?" Mom asked, pointing it out like it was so obvious.

"Oh yeah. Right." I said.

"Where are we going to get new tires?" Dad bellowed from outside.

"How about AAA?" Mom suggested looking out the window.

"That's it!" Dad exclaimed. Katie and James murmured something. 

"I think they're awake now," I said softly to Mom. I poked both of their noses with both of my index fingers. 

"Stoppp," they whined.

"We're here already." I said snickering. They looked around their area and shook their head.

"We're still on the road." they said sighing.

"Yes," I said, sighing back.  I remembered that Dad was talking to us. I exclaimed back, "What?!"

"I'll call AAA!" Dad said, sounding excited. 

"Ugh," I said. 

"Didn't I just say that?" Mom asked him.

"Uh, no?" he replied with a confused face.

"Uh, yes she did." I replied, rolling my eyes.

Dad took out his phone from his pocket and called AAA. 

Popping out of her mind, Mom exclaimed, "Max, put the phone down!"

"What?" Dad asked, with the frown on his face as he cancelled the call.

"I remember something!" Mom exclaimed. She looked like she was going to explode from all that excitement in her mind.

Dad put one of his eyebrows up. "Trunk!" Mom said. "Er, Tires. Two. Them. Back!"

"I'll go check the trunk and see if there are any extra tires." Dad said, following the command that he was told to do.

To my surprise, that I should've known though, Dad found two extra tires.

"How'd you know?" I asked Mom with amazement.

"Don't you know that all rental cars have at least two extra tires, a jack, and the lung wrench?" Mom said.

"Pfft, I knew that." I said. Actually, I didn't know that from before, until now.

After Dad was finished changing the deflated tires, we hit the rode. The car on the smooth pavement road felt better than the rocky crumbled road-side.

An hour later.........

"Finally!" I bursted out. I've been waiting for this whole trip to come here and say that specific word. Man, that felt good.

"Welcome to Lake Pleasant." Mom announced.

"A few more minutes, and we'll be eatin' some smoky fish!" Dad ejaculated.

"Yee haw!" I exclaimed.

"Isn't that for when you're only riding on a horse in Texas?" James asked, looking at amazement from the view surrounding him.

"Yes, but that's ok. Right?" I replied calmly.

He didn't say anything, so I asked Katie, "Are you excited?"

Katie nodded with the cutest smile. I then got a sudden feeling that something terrifying will happen. No, just breathe in and out. I can't just think that once something fun and exciting comes to me, there'll always be an excuse for bad events thundering over us. Ugh, I guess I have to stick with that for now.

As we arrived at Lake Pleasant, I saw the most terrible thing ever. No, this couldn't be happening. I can't have her ruin the best part of my birthday trip....... 

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