Terribly Unfortunate Chapter 52

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Astrid’s P.O.V.

I decided that since Duke is seeing a friend that I should go to Raven’s place since I haven’t for a while. I grab everything that I usually take and then I head out the door and towards my car. I drive then making my route to Raven’s house and when I arrived I see Roy getting mail. I got out and walked up to him and say, “Raven here?” Roy looks up at me startled and he says, “Yeah.” I wait until Roy is done so he can let me inside and once I was inside I made my way to her room. I knock on her door and then a few seconds later Raven opens up the door and says, “Astrid, I’m glad you came over.”

I hugged her and when she shuts the door I say, “I need to tell you something that only stays between us.” Raven tells me that what I tell her will remain between us and I say, “I believe that Duke might be cheating on me.” Raven gasps and she says, “With who and what makes you think he is?” I sit on Raven’s bed and say, “Don’t know who but ever since Duke and I got married he’s been spending more time with somebody.” Raven sits on her bed and she says, “Maybe he’s spending time with an old friend.” I shook my head and say, “If it was, he would’ve told me who it was.” Raven puts a hand on my shoulder and she says, “What are you going to do?”

I shrug my shoulders and say, “Don’t know maybe follow him.” Raven doesn’t say anything so I turn to look at her and I see that she’s glaring at me and she says, “Astrid, that is so stupid!” I sigh aloud and say, “Well what do you think I should do?” Raven shrugs her shoulders and says, “We’ll think of something.” We both stopped talking about the possibility of Duke cheating on me and we began to talk about her uncle. She told me that she’s been talking to him for a while now and that he’s willing to help me peruse my dream but I have to go to him. In my head I was saying to myself, ‘Well if Duke is cheating on me, I’ll leave to peruse my dream.” Two hours later, I told Raven that I was leaving to go see my dad and I was very surprised that she didn’t ask why.

I left her house then and I went into my car and when I started the car, Avenged Sevenfold’s ‘Afterlife’ was beginning. I smiled to myself; for some reason I always felt calm when I listened to them. I drove off heading towards the home that I grew up in. When I arrived I saw my brothers throwing a football around. I smiled at that when I pulled up and when I got out Matt threw the football at me and I caught it. My brothers run up to me and we hugged each other at the same time. Matt kisses my forehead and he says, “What the hell are you doing here?”

I grin and say, “Wanted to see you guys and I also needed to see dad.” Jared glares at me and says, “I’m sure you mostly needed to see dad.” I was about to say something else when I saw dad walking over to us. My brothers separate so I can run over to dad and that’s exactly what I did. After we hugged dad says, “I’m glad you’re here Astrid.” After he says that he kisses my forehead and I say, “I’m glad to be here too.” We went inside the house and I had decided to spend time with my brothers before I talked with my dad alone.

I had decided to spend time with my brothers individually so that way I could spend more time with them. I decided to start with Matt and end with Mike. They didn’t really like that especially Mike because he didn’t want to be last but he told me that next time I came over that he was going to be first. I was in Matt’s room and we just sat on his bed and we talked about things but I made sure that I didn’t tell Matt about the possibility of Duke cheating on me. Five hours later I’m heading to dad’s study room and when I stopped in front of the door I began to knock. I heard dad say to come in so I did and I say, “Can we go for a walk? Just you and me.” Dad nods his head and we head outside and we began walking. We walked two blocks and dad says, “What did you want Astrid?” I stop walking and so does dad and I say, “I think Duke might be cheating on me.”

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