Terribly Unfortunate Chapter 21

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Chad’s P.O.V.

Raven gasped when she heard that I had said that Duke maybe responsible for hurting Astrid. Raven looks around for Duke and when she notices that he ain’t around she says, “Where is Duke?” After Raven says that I look around and then I say to Matt, “Where is Duke?” Matt looks around too and says, “I think he think he ran out.” I shook my head when I realized that Duke left and then I said to Matt, “I can’t believe he would leave Astrid.” I shook my head again and then I say to Raven, “Do you have a ride home?” Raven shakes her head and then I say to Matt, “Can you take her home when she wants to leave?” Matt nods his head and says to Raven, “I can take you home if you want me too.”

Raven nods her head and she says to Matt, “I appreciate it, thank you.” Matt nods his head and says, “Your welcome.” Raven grabs Astrid’s hand and she squeezes her hand. Fast forwarding to nine o’clock, when Raven says to Matt, “I should get home now.” Matt stands up, grabs his keys from his pocket and then they both left. Matt came back thirty minutes later and then I say to him, “Did you take her back home safely?” Matt nodded his head and he says, “Yep, I waited till she went inside to drive off.” I nod my head and I say, “Thank you Matt.” He nods his head and says, “Your welcome.”

My family and I stayed the night in the hospital with Astrid. Matt was gone when I woke up so I called him and he says, “I’m picking up breakfast, dad.” I nod my head then I look at Astrid and then I say to Matt, “Thanks.” I hang up the phone then and then I say to Astrid, “Are you up, Astrid?” There was no movement from Astrid and I took that as a sign that she wasn’t up so I squeezed her hand. Matt came back with McDonald’s breakfast and we ate fairly slow cause we weren’t really into eating anything. Jared and Mike came in while we were eating and Jared says, “That’s not cool, we had to eat hospital food and you guys have McDonald’s.” Matt glares at Jared and Mike and says, “You guys were gone by the time I left.”

Mike glares at Jared and says, “Thanks to you I didn’t get any good breakfast.” Jared shakes his head and says, “Well, I’m sorry.” Mike puts his hand on Jared’s shoulder and says, “Its okay.” I shake my head not understanding how Mike and Jared can get mad at each other and then forgive each other so quickly. We become quiet again all of us remembering why we were in the hospital. I look at Astrid and wonder when she would be getting up again. The boys were just sitting on chairs, not knowing what to do. I sighed out loud and said to Matt, “Why don’t you take Mike and Jared home for the night.”

Matt’s P.O.V.

When dad said to take Mike and Jared home I was caught off guard so I said, “Why?” Dad gives me a look saying don’t start and then he says, “Cause their bored.” I sigh and then I say, “Do you want me to come back?” Dad shakes his head and says, “Not till tomorrow.” I nod my head, stand up and walk out the door with Mike and Jared following me. After all three of us got in the jeep then I drove off heading home. When we got home, I texted dad and told him we got home safely and then dad texted back and says, “Good, don’t throw a party when I’m not there.” I shake my head and I respond back saying, “I would never do that, especially with Astrid in the hospital.”

Dad texts back and says, “Good boy, I’m going to bed now, see you tomorrow.” I text back saying, “Night dad, see you tomorrow.” I put my phone on the ground and I go upstairs to Astrid’s room where I let Bella out and just when I leave her room I spot her phone so I grabbed it and when into my room with the dog and phone. I text Duke saying, “Hey prick, you there?” Two minutes later I get a text back saying, “Who’s this?” I text back with, “This is Matt, what the hell did you do to my sister?” Duke never responds back and I take it as a sign that he is guilty about something. I put Astrid’s phone on the ground and then I lay on my bed not wanting to invite the darkness that wants to overcome me.

I woke up at four and then I sat up, rubbing my eyes and once I was used to seeing in the dark I found a pair of eyes staring at me and then I realized that it was Bella. I got out of bed and went to Astrid’s room where I found a diary in her desk so I grabbed it and I realized that she had bought it before she met Duke. I found out that she kept having strange dreams and that it kept getting stranger when she met Duke. I grabbed the diary cause I was going to show dad when I got to the hospital. I got dressed right away since I decided to skip the shower. I got Mike and Jared up and told them to get ready cause we were going to the hospital right away. After they got ready we all left for the hospital.

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