Terribly Unfortunate Chapter 13

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Astrid’s P.O.V.

While Duke and I were hugging each other I couldn’t help but start thinking, ‘why did Maxx leave telling me his last name?’ It just didn’t make any sense to me. I felt Duke’s lips on top of my head and I realized that he had just kissed my head. Duke unwrapped his arms around my waist, grabbed my hand in his and then him leading the way, went towards his car. We sat down on his hood, me staring at the stars and Duke just staring at me. I turned to look at Duke when I saw that he had blood on his face still so I stood up told Duke to follow me and we went back into the school heading towards the restrooms. I pointed towards the men’s restroom but Duke made no movement to go in so I said, “Go wash up, I’ll stay out here.” Duke still did not go in and then he says, “I want you to come in with me.” I decided to go in just cause I didn’t want to tell him that the men’s restroom is meant for dudes not girls.

I went in the restroom… no wait I was forced into that horrible room by Duke cause he grabbed my hand and he pulled me in. I stood on Duke’s left cause he thought that I might dart out the door and Duke of course would be able to grab me before I got to the door. I heard the door open so I looked over towards the door and I saw Anthony walk in and Duke says, “Hey, Anthony, enjoying yourself?” Anthony sees me and his eyes are huge and then he says, “Yeah, I am, what’s Astrid doing in here?” I look at Duke expecting him to answer but he doesn’t so I say, “I was dragged in here by this guy.” I say that pointing to Duke and then Duke says, “What, I didn’t want to be alone in here.” Anthony shook his head and said, “Wuss.” Duke glared at Anthony and said, “Don’t start with me.” Anthony the put his hands up like he was surrendering and says, “Sorry, I don’t want to piss you off.”

Duke nodded his head towards Anthony and says, “Good idea now turn around and walk away.” Anthony flips Duke off and says, “I need to piss, so eat me.” Duke points to a stall and says, “Well then, go do your business and then get the hell out.” Anthony went into the stall, shut it, did his business, even washed his hands but he never left the restroom like Duke told him to do. Anthony stands to the right side of Duke and just watches him trying to wipe the blood off of his face. Duke stops what he’s doing and says, “Can I fucking help you with something?” Anthony shakes his head and says, “Just wondering what the hell happened to your face.” Duke threw the towel in the sink, turns to face Anthony and says, “I got my ass kicked; get the hell away from me!” I put my hand on Duke’s shoulder and I feel him calming down and the Anthony says, “Holy shit Duke, you should’ve yelled for help.”

Duke shakes his head adding on an angry look to his face and says, “I bet you a hundred dollars that he still would kick our asses anyway.” Anthony gasps at Duke and says, “Now that right there is an insult to me pal.” Duke flips Anthony off and says, “Good for you man, now go back to Chika, alright?” Anthony does something to Duke that he didn’t expect which is a punch to the face. After Anthony does that he bolts out the door and leaves a sagging Duke behind to go on the floor. I tried to help Duke up but he shook me off and yelled out, “I can get up myself, I don’t need your help!” I slapped him across the face and yelled out, “If you don’t want my help then I’ll leave you alone in the restroom!” Duke grabs my hand and says, “Don’t leave, I’m sorry.” I stayed and Duke allows me to help him up.

I took the towel, squeezed it and then I started cleaning Duke’s face with it. Duke had a black eye, some bruises, but other than that there wasn’t anything else that I could see. After I told Duke that I was done he pulled me towards him and he kisses me. We kiss for a while and then I say to Duke, “We haven’t even danced yet.” Duke smiles at me and says, “Are you sure you want to be dancing with me when I look like this?” I nod my head and say, “I don’t care what you look like, and I don’t even care what other people think either.” We walked out of the restroom holding hands and we went to the gym where everybody was at. Anthony came over and he started apologizing to Duke but he put up his hand and he says, “Anthony don’t apologize, I deserve it.” Anthony did a half smile and he says to Duke, “I promise that I won’t do that again.” Duke nodded his head and then he punched Anthony in the face and then he says, “Now were even.” Anthony put his hand to his face and he says, “I deserved that and now were even.”

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