Terribly Unfortunate Chapter 5

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Astrid's P.O.V.            

I hung up the phone and went downstairs to where my father and the rest of the family were at. I sat down beside Matt when my dad said to Matt, "Did you tell your sister to come down?" I smiled at Matt and he said, "I told her to come down for supper." Dad sighed really loud and he said, "Go get your sister." I started laughing, I really couldn't help it and then my dad turned around and said, "How long have you been sitting there?"

I laughed again and I said, "When you asked Matt if he told me that supper was ready." Dad gave Matt a glare and he said, "That's not funny." After giving Matt a second glare, dad turned back around to tend to the food. When the food was done, dad sat the dish down on the table and the meal was meat balls. I don't mean to brag but my dad's meat balls are awesome!

I finished my meal quickly so I could go back upstairs and listen to Duke talk. I called him but it was a different guy on the phone and he said his name was Chase and he also said the Duke couldn't come to the phone so I was told to leave a message for him. I made a bad mistake of giving him my first and last name and I heard Chase gasp as if he couldn't believe that his brother would talk to a Hudson. Chase hung up after that gasp and I guessed that I would be in big trouble with Duke's family but I didn't know how big it would be. I grabbed a pair of slacks and an old black shirt for pajamas when I heard somebody banging on the front door.

I quickly took off my clothes and that I put on my pajamas and then I headed downstairs to see who was banging on the door. I saw Duke looking like crap cause he had a black eye and his lip was bleeding. I also caught somebody looking at me and I think it was Chase. He said to his father, "Dad that's her." His dad looked at me and he said, "You are in big trouble, little girl."

My brother Matt then decided to show up putting his arm around me and he said to Duke's father, "What in the hell do you want, Chad?" I didn't know what was going on and Chad said, "That girl right there is my problem." I looked at my dad for help cause I didn't understand what was going on. My dad smiled at me and he said to Chad, "She doesn't know about the feud between us Chad, so leave her be." Chad had his mouth opened wide and he said, "I didn't know that."

When I heard that my family and Duke's family were enemies, I was disappointed cause that would mean that Duke and I wouldn't be able to see each other anymore. My dad must've noticed that I was upset cause he asked for Chad to follow him outside. I told Duke to follow me to the kitchen where I cleaned his wounds and when I was done I said to Duke, "I can't believe my dad never told me." Duke put two fingers under my chin and he pushed up lightly and said, "If your dad did tell you, we probably wouldn't be together right now." I smiled at that cause it was true.      

We went back into the living room where everybody was watching UFC fighting. I was going to sit on Duke's lap cause he was sitting on the couch when Matt shook his head no so I sat between them. My dad and Chad came back inside and called Duke and I to follow them outside. I was getting really nervous and then I became less nervous when Duke grabbed my hand and he held it. My dad smiled at me, I smiled back, and then Chad said to me and Duke, "We decided to allow you two to date."

I was so excited that I hugged my father and then Chad, then I went back to Duke and I hugged him too. All four of us had to run back inside cause it started raining really hard. I asked my dad if Duke and I could go up to my room and my dad said, "You can, but keep your door unlocked, alright?" I nodded my head and I took Duke's hand and I led him upstairs to my room. When we got into my room, I shut the door, and Bella ran over to me.

I picked her up and Duke asked what her name was and I told him that her name is Bella. Duke followed me to my bed and was about to sit down when he saw my pictures on my dresser. I watched him walk over to them and he just stared at them. I sat Bella on my bed and walked over to him and put my arm around his back. Duke put his arm around my back too and he said, "Maybe we could take some pictures tomorrow after school."

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