Terribly Unfortunate Chapter 32

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Duke’s P.O.V.

Personally I didn’t want to watch the movie because it scared me but Astrid wanted to watch it. We were watching the movie when Astrid pauses it and says that she would like something to snack on. I was happy that I got to leave the room so I say, “What do you want me to get you?” Astrid asks me if I have popcorn and I say, “We do, do you want some?’ After Astrid nods her head I say, “Let me guess Pepsi to drink?’ Astrid nods her head again and I leave the room to get her things. When I came back the movie was still paused and I say, “Why is the movie still paused?” Astrid tells me that she wanted me to watch it with her and I say in a sarcastic voice, “Thank you Astrid.”

Astrid gets me to tell her what’s wrong and I tell her the truth that the movie scares the shit out of me and she says, “Do you want me to pick a different movie?” I nod my head and Astrid takes out the movie ‘Paul’ and says, “Is this movie okay?” I nod my head and say, “Yeah, I like that movie.” Astrid takes out Mirrors and puts in Paul and I say, “Thank you babe.” That last part slipped out and I placed my hand on my mouth and Astrid says, “I don’t mind you calling me that.” I sighed in relieve because I thought she was going to get mad and I say, “I thought you were going to yell at me.” Astrid places a hand on my leg and says, “I’m not mad at you.”

I take Astrid’s hand in mine and then the movie begins and we were laughing a lot during the movie. After the movie was over with Astrid was wanting me to take her home and I was really upset that she wanted to go already. We went to the car, got in and I drove off and we didn’t say anything which I was surprisingly happy about because I was pretty sure that I would yell at Astrid. When we arrived I expected her to go inside but she doesn’t instead she stays in the car. Astrid grabs my hand and she says, “Duke?” I love it when Astrid says my name, it’s like my weakness and I say, “Yeah babe?” Then she tells me that she wants to go inside her house and I say, “Oh, I thought you were getting bored at my house.”

Astrid’s P.O.V.

I couldn’t believe that Duke thought that I was bored at his house so I tell him, “I wasn’t bored, I had fun, it’s just that my dad wanted to know if you can come over for dinner.” Duke was happy about that and he says, “That sounds fun.” I smiled and say, “Shall we go inside?” We both got out of the car and then we went towards the door. I unlocked the door and went inside with Duke right behind me and I yell out, “Dad, I’m home now with Duke!” I heard dad yell out, “Good, supper will be done soon.” I tell Duke to follow me upstairs and he does.

When we arrived in my room and sat on my bed neither of us were talking to each other and I hated it. I laid my right hand on Duke’s hand and I look at him and he kisses me on the lips, I kissed him back and he says, “I’m sorry about earlier.” I shrug my shoulders and say, “Don’t worry about it, I’m not angry.” Duke sighs and says, “That’s good, I would hate myself if you were angry.” I lace mine and Duke’s fingers together  and I squeeze his fingers really tight and say, “I don’t want you to hate yourself just because I would be angry at you.” Just when I was about to say something else, somebody began knocking on my door so I walk to the door; opened it and saw my dad standing there.

I smile at him and he says, “Supper is ready.” I nod my head and dad leaves so I turn around to face Duke and he’s standing just a few feet away from me. I smile at him and Duke says, “Let’s go eat.” I nod my head and Duke walks over to me and grabs my hand and we head downstairs to the kitchen. When we arrived in the kitchen, all of my brothers began glaring at Duke and Matt says to dad, “What is he doing here?” Dad tells Matt that he invited him over and Matt says, “I don’t want him here.” Dad shakes his head turns to face Matt and says, “He will stay here for supper, now stop acting like you’re the parent around here.” Matt shakes his head and says, “I’m leaving.” He walks towards the door, opens it and slams it hard. 

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