Terribly Unfortunate Chapter 19

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Astrid’s P.O.V.

I set my phone down after I read his message and then I got into bed and then I turned on my i-pod to the song ‘Burn’ by Papa Roach and in the middle of the song my phone started going off. I grabbed the phone and I saw that it was Duke so I answered it saying, “I was waiting to hear from you.” Duke chuckles and he says, “I didn’t wake you, did I?” I smiled and said, “No, you didn’t, I was up already listening to some Papa Roach.” Duke makes agreeable noises and he says, “Papa Roach is an awesome band, what song were you listening to?” I told him that I was listening to Burn and Duke says, “I like that song.” We started talking about random shit and then Duke started counting how many times I was yawning and when he got to twenty times then Duke says, “I counted twenty yawns, you better get some sleep.” I yawn once more and then I say, “That would be twenty-one yawns and I think it would be good if I went to sleep.”

Duke chuckles and he says, “Goodnight then, I love you.” I blushed when he said that so I say, “Goodnight Duke and I love you too.” Duke hangs up and then I lay my phone down, turning off the music and then I pull the covers up inviting the darkness that took over me. I woke up later on that day doing my normal routine that ended with me eating breakfast with Matt and we were talking about random shit when Jared comes down with a big ass smile on his face. Matt and I are both staring at Jared thinking, ‘What the hell is he smiling for?’ It was quiet between all three of us so I decided to break the silence by saying, “What the hell are you smiling about Jared?” Jared smiles and says, “Guess what I have now?” Matt and I look at each other and then back at Jared and I say, “What do you have?” There was a silence from Jared and then after two minutes of silence he says, “A girlfriend.” My jaw drops cause Jared has never been able to get one for a long time and then I realize that it could be a big joke so I say, “Is this a joke?”

Jared shakes his head smiling and says, “I’ll be bringing her soon, I still need to meet her family first.” I shook my head and say, “I won’t believe you have a girlfriend until I see her.” Matt makes agreeable noises and he says, “I agree with Astrid on this one.” Jared glares at Matt and says, “You always agree with Astrid on everything.” Matt growls at Jared and says, “I don’t agree with her at everything.” I nod my head and say, “Its true, Jared, he doesn’t agree with me all the time.” Matt nods his head and Jared says, “Well, you both will be shocked when you see my girlfriend.” It becomes silent the rest of the time until I head upstairs to make my bed and when my phone goes off so I look at it and I see that its Duke. I put the blanket down that I was folding and then I answer my phone.

I sit down and I say, “Hi Duke.” There is a pause and I start thinking that I was late in answering but then Duke says, “Hi babe, what are you doing today?” I start thinking and I come up with nothing so I say, “I come up with nothing, why you ask?” Duke makes some agreeable noises and he says, “You want to come over before dinner?” I start thinking about it and then I say, “Sure, what time?” Duke laughs and says, “Um… how does five sound?” I laugh too and say, “Sounds good, you gonna pick me up?” Duke pauses and says, “Yeah, I’ll pick you up.” We both hang up then and I finish making my bed and then I turn on my movie and I start watching it until I hear someone calling my name.

I turn my movie off and I start heading down the stairs when I smell food so I knew it was time to eat. My dad smiles at me when I enter and he says, “Were eating early cause I have to go to work.” I nod my head and then Matt says to me, “Let me guess, Duke wants you to hang out with him, right?” I nod my head again and I say, “He’s picking me up at five.” My dad nods his head and Matt says, “So is he feeding you?” I nod my head and then everybody drops the subject and we continue eating. I get done before everybody else so I head upstairs and get ready before Duke shows up. I get done getting ready and then I sit on my bed waiting for Duke to come. Duke shows up at four-forty and he comes up to my room knocking at my door so I get up and I see who it is. Duke stands there and he says, “I know I showed up early but I couldn’t wait to see you.” I smile at him and I say, “I’m glad you showed up now.” Duke smiles at me and says, “Ready to go?” I nod my head and we head inside his car. We sit in the car for a while not doing anything until Duke grabs my hand and he holds it. We’re sitting in silence when I say, “Are we going to be leaving soon?” Duke nods his head and then were back in silence.

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