Terribly Unfortunate Chapter 25

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Astrid’s P.O.V.

*2 years later*

I woke up to something laying on my chest and when I looked down it was my dog Bella. I pushed her off and I went downstairs and Matt was making breakfast and I say, “Making some for me?” Matt turns around and says, “I always make you breakfast, don’t I?” I smile and say, “That you do.” Matt turns back around so I sit on a chair and then Matt hands me a plate of food. I get done eating and then I tell my dad that I am heading out to the mall. I got my keys and I got into my car and drove off.

I got to the mall and just when I began walking, I bumped into someone and just when I’m about to apologize, the guy turns around. I gasp when I realized who it was and it’s Duke, so I begin to back up when I bump into someone else. I turn around and its Dukes’ friends and then Duke says, “Hey Astrid, don’t be afraid.” I slap Duke across the face and say, “Why in the hell shouldn’t I be afraid of you, you raped me!” Duke sighs and says, “Come on Astrid; don’t be like that, I’ve changed.” I shake my head say, “Nobody ever changes.” Duke has a sad look on his face and says, “I haven’t touched a beer since it happened.”

I shake my head and say, “You can’t just expect me to take you back, just because your saying you don’t touch beer anymore.” Duke nods his head and says, “How can I make you believe that I want you back?” I shrug my shoulders and say, “Don’t know maybe you should talk to my family.” Duke nods his head and says, “Alright, I will try to arrange a meeting with your father.” I shake my head and say, “I don’t think he would want to talk with you anyway but you could try.” Duke nods his head and says, “If I talk with your father and he actually lets me be with you, then would you possibly consider dating me again?” I shrug my shoulders and say, “Depends on what my father says and also depends on if you can truly change.”

Duke grabs my hand and when I try to take my hand away, he squeezes it hard and says, “I am willing to change for you.” I begin to smile but stop and then say, “Good to know.” I finally get Duke to let go of my hand and he says, “Could I see your phone for a second?” I sigh and say, “Why do you need to see my phone?” Duke holds out his hand and says, “So I can see your dad’s number so that I can put it on my phone.” I hand my phone to Duke and he scrolls through my contacts and he says, “I can’t believe you still have my number.” I chuckle and say, “It’s not like I had a choice, my dad wanted me to have it on there just in case you sent me threatening messages.”

Duke sighs and says, “I would never do that.” I shrug my shoulders and say, “That might be true but my dad doesn’t know that.” Duke puts his phone away and says, “So what did you come here for?” I shrug my shoulders again and say, “Just to look for around and possibly buy something.” Duke nods his head and says, “Mind if I walk with you?” I shake my head and say, “I guess you can.” Duke smiles at me and says, “Thank you Astrid.”

I did find a lot of stuff that I wanted but I didn’t want to be around Duke for too long. I ended up only buying some clothes and then I leave the mall, heading towards my car. I get in the car and drive off heading home. When I got home, got inside the house, and then I heard my dad yelling at someone. I found my dad in the living room on his phone and then when he notices that I’m home, he hangs up. My dad puts his phone in his pocket and says, “You want to explain to me how Duke got my number?” I put my hands up in surrender and say, “I saw Duke in the mall, he wants to try and get back together with me.” My dad shakes his head and says, “After what he did to you, you still want to be with him?” I shrug my shoulders and say, “Honestly I don’t know, dad.” My dad shakes his head and says, “Well, Duke says he wants to come here to talk to me alone.” I nod my head and say, “And what did you say?” My dad sighs and says, “I said yes.” I begin to smile but my dad glares at me and I say, “What?” My dad then says, “Don’t you remember that the bastard raped you?” I nod my head slowly and say, “I remember dad, no need to bring it up all the time.” My dad pulls me into a hug and says, “I know, I’m sorry.” I hug him back and say, “When is Duke coming over?” My dad sighs and says, “I think in a few minutes.”

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