Terribly Unfortunate Chapter 38

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Astrid’s P.O.V.

 I was glad that Duke was here because I truly missed having him with me. Duke kisses me on the top of my head and he says, “Do you want to go or do anything?” I nod my head slowly and Duke says, “Want to go now?” I shake my head no and he says, “Tell me when you want to go, alright?” I nod my head, close my eyes and began to fall asleep. I woke up two hours later so I looked up at Duke and I saw that he was still asleep. I smiled at his sleeping form so I decided to wake him up by kissing his lips.

I began to pull away but I suddenly felt somebody pulling me towards Duke’s lips. Duke kissed me back and he says, “Hey babe.” I grinned at him before saying, “Hey.” Duke begins to rub my back and he says, “Have you been staring at me while I was sleeping?” I blushed and Duke says, “You were, huh?” I nod my head slowly afraid that he would hurt me and he says, “Don’t be scared babe, I don’t care if you were staring, alright?” I sigh in relieve and then I nod my head and Duke whispers, “I love you.” I smile at him before replying back, “I love you too.”

I kissed Duke one more time before I laid my head back on his chest and he says, “I should probably be heading home.” I whimpered and groaned at the same time, just when I got comfortable and he whispers, “I’ll be over tomorrow, alright?” I nod my head slowly and then I roll off of Duke so he can sit up. After he gets his shoes on, he pulls me onto his lap and he begins kissing me. I didn’t want it to end but Duke’s stupid phone went off playing its ringtone, ‘Bat Country’ by Avenged Sevenfold. After he gets done talking on the phone he says, “I need to go babe, walk me to the front door?” I nod my head and then I get off of Duke’s lap and we both head downstairs holding hands. We arrived at the front door and then Duke pulls me towards him and he kisses me hard and he whispers in my ear, “I love you.” I kiss him back and say, “I love you too.” Duke kisses me one more time before walking out the front door. I waited until Duke was at his car to close the door and when he arrived at his car, I closed it. I went back up to my room and straightened up my bed.

Duke’s P.O.V.

When I arrived at home, I saw an unknown car parked in front of the house. I went into the house and I saw that a guy was sitting at the couch. I walked up to him and say, “Who are you?” The guy slowly turns around and he looks pissed and he says, “My name is none of your goddamn business.” Just when I was about to beat the shit out of this guy, Logan comes down and he says, “Andy, relax this is my brother Duke.” Andy’s face changes from being pissed to being calmed down and he says to me, “Sorry Duke.” I shrug my shoulders and say, “No big deal.” Andy nods his head and him and Logan head upstairs. I followed a few minutes later and head into my room to lay down for a bit.

I tried to take another nap but I couldn’t because I couldn’t take my mind off of my beautiful Astrid. I smiled to myself as a new image of Astrid came to view. The image was of her laughing at something I had said. I sighed and thought to myself, ‘When would be a good time to propose to Astrid?’ I love her a lot but I don’t know if she feels the same, I mean she says she loves me but I don’t want to ask her if she’ll marry me while her dad and brothers are around because they might say no and I would hate myself forever. I would just need to lose this fear I have and strike up the courage to ask my Astrid.

I pulled out the box from underneath my bed that contained the ring. I traced the outline of the ring with my fingers and I imagined myself asking Astrid to marry me but all I kept getting was a rejection. I began crying softly hoping that, that wouldn’t happen but all I kept getting was Astrid saying no. I cleared my head and tried to picture my Astrid loving me as much as I love her and when I imagined myself asking her to marry me, she said yes. I smiled at that and hoped that, that would happen. I closed the box, placed it back underneath my bed and I tried to take a nap then, satisfied that I have made myself happy. I closed my eyes and then suddenly a thought popped into my head just as I was about to fall asleep, ‘Would Astrid actually say yes or would I be rejected by the one I love?” I shivered as that thought plagued my mind before I drifted off into sleep.

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